The GHERON groupborn in Voghera In the early 90s, it represents An all -Italian excellence in the sector of Residences for the elderly. Founded by the Bariani family, today it is led by Sergio and Massimo Barianirespectively president and CEO. With over 30 years of experience and the management of almost 40 structures in Italythe group stands out for the high competence and professionalism in the socio-health and welfare fields. The residences built in recent years in Lombardy, Piedmont, Tuscany and Veneto offer a Model of excellence for the welcome of non -self -sufficient elderly peopleresponding effectively and timely to the needs of people in conditions of fragility.
To date, the Italian population has undergone a slow and inexorable aging: in the last 50 years the growth of the number of elderly in Italy has been one of the fastest among the developed countries and it is estimated that in 2050 the share of ultra sixty -five -year -olds will arrive at 35, 9% of the population, with one average life of 82.5 years. From Istat we learn that almost one Italian out of 4 is more than 65 years old, about 24.3%. A continuous worsening demographic curve, which will bring over the years to a continuous and constant growth of people over 85. It must be said, however, that life expectancy has increased; In fact, from the demographic analyzes of 2024, we know that for men it is about 81.1 years and 85.2 for women. This is undoubtedly a great conquest, since it testifies to the growing improvement of life conditions and progress of medicine. On the other hand, longevity must face various problemsmainly met by Families of elderly people Not self-sufficient or with serious chronic-degenerative pathologies, which require complex and specialist management. Currently, Many families, due to the pathologies of the elderly, are unable to manage their loved one at home And hospitals can be a response to the more acute phases, but not to chronic ones. Therefore, the RSA or Healthcare Residences They can be a valid help. It is a modern evolution of the retirement homewhich assumes a key role in responding to the new needs of the third and fourth age. The RSA fill the void between families and the hospitalgiving a specialized response, of quality and territoriality, to the needs of today’s society. In fact, in these structures the presence of H24 social staff and continuous support for carrying out daily activities, such as nutrition and personal hygiene, is guaranteed.
The structures of the Gheron group they are designed to offer guests the best psycho-physical well-being And high quality assistance: health services, doctors, nurses, cutting -edge machinery, not to mention the personalized projects dedicated to chronic patients, subjects with senile dementia, behavior disorders or Alzheimer’s patients.
Among the numerous services offered by Gheron Group are:
- Alzheimer and protected nuclei: within the RSA there are departments with areas of care and assistance dedicated to people with dementia and who have behavioral disorders.
- Light residence: nucleus composed of a few independent rooms that welcomes elderly self -sufficient or partly self -sufficient people, in which health care is guaranteed limited to the needs of residents. Catering is included. Present only at RSA Baggio, in Milan.
- Day centers: the integrated day center (CDI) welcomes elderly with partial compromise of self -sufficiency and with welfare needs that exceed the ability of home intervention only, but who do not require hospitalization. The service aims to avoid or in any case delay the hospitalization of the elderly person in residential structures. The aim is to keep the person as long as possible within his family, providing real support in the activities of everyday life through the offer of qualified assistance and complementary health interventions. In addition, the service aims to create opportunities for meeting and participation between elderly people, in order to encourage relationship life and relieve conditions of solitude and isolation. The elderly spends the whole day, including all meals, from breakfast to dinner, at the center and returns home only for overnight stays. To access the CDI it is necessary to submit an application directly to the RSA where the day center is based. In fact, he defines himself as a “integrated” day center because of its location within an RSA.
- Not to be overlooked i Geriatric rehabilitation centers, intermediate care, hospice: unit of offer that are flanked by the services provided by some Healthcare Residences Gheron group.
Within Each structure of the Gheron group There are figures who deal with the psychological sphere of patientas psychologists and social workers. The guests are also supported by professional educators who entertain them with numerous playful and recreational activities, designed to encourage socialization and maintain cognitive skills active. Among these: Art therapy, music therapy, employment therapies, activities carried out in the open air in summer periods. In addition, operators offer daily animation activities, offering collective and individual moments for guests: musical listening sessions, playful games and celebrations for various anniversaries. Another novelty is the Pet therapy: guests have the opportunity to meet and interact with trained and certified animals, improving their well -being and stimulating their cognitive and emotional skills.
An eye is also placed in the sustainabilitya very hot topic in recent years: man care goes hand in hand with that of the environment around us. For this reason, the structures of the Gheron group are built according to the best quality, management and organizational standards, with a view to energy saving and limitation of waste.
People of the third and fourth age have multiple needs and needs; Therefore, Gheron Group has expanded the range of services and, alongside the residency in the RSA, in 2016 it activated the project of the Lombardy Region RSA open, namely home care. The open RSA is an innovative measure, which offers the possibility of taking advantage of health and social and health services useful to support the stay of the person of the person as long as possible, is financed by the Lombardy Region and is totally without costs for the user. The service is provided directly by the Gheron group RSA on the Lombardy area and you can access the elderly over 75, with 100% disability or people with dementia with medical certification.
In addition, in 2023 it was activated Gherhomethe new Division dedicated to C-Ran home care services, service also financed by the Lombardy Regionwhich provides nursing, physiotherapy and personal assistance performance. But not only that, as Gherhome also offers altrums home services in solvency, which range from specialist consultancy in telemedicinehome diagnostics, psychological paths, etc.
The Gheron group can count on sensitive, qualified, motivated and adequately trained personnel. For Gheron Group it is essential to enhance training courses and make people be enhanced in their role and continuously updated.
In an era in which longevity increases and the care needs become more and more complex, Gheron group stands like a Reliable partner for families and a pillar in the Italian health sectorhelping to improve the quality of life of elderly people with personalized and avant -garde services.