Many Cave Art Works May Have Been Done by Women: Dean Snow’s Theory

And if they had been Almost all women the first artists of the history of humanity? This theoryproposed over ten ...

Floods in Emilia-Romagna, Faenza area flooded: the meteorological explanation

Alluvioni Emilia Romagna
AND flood emergency again in Emilia-Romagna after the two tragic floods of 2023. The cyclone Boris has poured a lot ...

San Gennaro has never been to Naples, but he is the patron saint of the city. How is this possible?

san gennaro non e mai stato a napoli
Little is known about the life of San Gennaro. Probably born in Benevento around 272 and died in Pozzuoli in ...

Smart working: what are the advantages and disadvantages?

vantaggi e svantaggi smart working
More and more people are looking for job positions where the contractual conditions include: smart working (also called teleworking or ...

Why the Lehman Brothers Failure Led to the Great Crisis of 2008

Exactly 16 years have passed since September 15, 2008, when the American LehmanBrothersthe world’s fourth largest bank, said bankruptcygiving way ...

The Winged Lion of St. Mark’s in Venice Could Come from China and Not Be a Lion: Here’s Why

leone di san marco venezia cinese marco polo
The sculpture of the great winged lion in bronze that has guarded for centuries St. Mark’s Square and the whole ...

Is There a Link Between a Person’s Facial Features and Their Name? Yes, According to a Study

corrispondenza volto nome esiste davvero studio
Have you ever looked at someone’s face and said, for example, “You really have the face of Giovanni!“? Well, you ...

1.2 billion Chinese have only 100 surnames: how is this possible and which are the most common?

1 miliardo e 200 milioni di cinesi hanno solo 100 cognomi
According to estimates, in Italy there would be between 300 thousand and 400 thousand surnames different, compared to a population ...

Why do we say “andare a tutta birra” when we go fast? The meaning is related to horses

a tutta birra briglia significato origine espressione
The expression “go full speed ahead” is used to indicate an action performed at great speed. Its origin, however, is ...

Does Sleeping With Your Head To The North Improve Sleep? No, Let’s Clear Up The Pseudoscience Of Feng Shui

dormire verso nord Feng Shui
The Feng Shui It is an ancient Chinese Taoist practice that promises to improve the well-being of the inhabitants of ...
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