1,500 hires in Brazil and the production of Titan in Argentina

From the new conspicuous hiring in Brazil at the start of the Titan production in Argentina: the development plans of Stellantis They pass through the South American market, which offers a series of growth opportunities for the next few years. Prospects that will translate into investments and therefore in the creation of jobs and in the start of the production on site, also thanks to the opening policies and welcome of South American governments. .

Plan 1,500 hires in Brazil

Stellantis, according to what was revealed by the president for the Latin America area Emanuele Cappellano, provides for take 1,500 people in Brazil by 2025. Most (about 90%) will be hired at the plant of Betimin the state of Minas Gerais, while the remaining 10% will strengthen production at the complex of Porto Real in Rio de Janeiro. Currently Betim has the ability to produce 630,000 vehicles, 1.1 million engines and 540,000 broadcasts per year, but the demand is strong and is already working on several work shifts.

“The increase in international demand and the excellent acceptance of the vehicles produced by our plants in Brazil demonstrate the competitiveness of the Stellantis models and the quality of the production process,” explained Cappellano, adding that the Betim complex exported last year more Of 57 thousand cars, while the Porto Real plant, in Rio de Janeiro, has registered more than 20 thousand vehicles. Finally, the Goiana complex, in the pernambuco, exported 37 thousand units, the largest volume of its history.

Exports touch a new record

Last year Stellantis reached one Market share of 29.4% in Brazil and touched a record of 469 vehicles produced at the Betim plant.

After ensuring the leadership in the South American market for the fourth consecutive year, Stellantis established the higher export volume in Brazil since 2021year of the creation of the automotive group. In total, Stellantis has exported more than 116 thousand vehicles between the months of January and December 2024, with a growth of 94% in the last four years.

Leapmotor’s electric car’s debut

In the group plans also the Leapmotor debut In Brazil. Chaplain did not want to indicate a date for the entry of the Chinese partner who produces electric cars, but said the company will organize a event in April To announce the first models that will be sold in the Brazilian and Chile market.

There is initially talk of imports of models from China, but the idea is to feed the strong growth of the market with local production, also because the existing agreement with Leapmotor gives to Stellantis la “Flexibility” to produce electric cars even outside China.

Titan will be produced in Argentina

The prospects are good for all Latin America. Stellantis also matters to approach the Production of the medium size Titan size in Argentinawhich was previously produced in Uruguay, to compete with the similar models of Toyota, Ford and GM. The start of the production of Titan in Argentina involves a investment of 385 million dollars.

“This is a first step for Stellantis to have a new family of products manufactured in Argentina, as part of the strategy in South America,” explained Cappellano.

A decision taken thanks also to Facilities of the Milei governmentwhich is breaking down obstacles to the location of production in Argentina and the duties On every type of good, including cars. Import fees on electric and high -end vehicles, with a value between $ 39,000 and 71,000, will be reduced to zero, while those of value higher than this threshold will benefit from a reduction of duties from 35% to 18%.

The plans for Latin America

Less than a year ago, Stellantis has announced a Record investment plan in South America for a total of 5.6 billion euros (30 billion of real) from 2025 to 2030. This is the largest investment in the history of the Brazilian and South American automotive industry. The scheduled investments will support the launch of Over 40 new products In the period, the development of new bio-hybrid technologies, innovative decarbonisation technologies in the entire automotive supply chain and new business opportunities.

With this investment, Stellantis consolidate one’s leadership in the region, strengthens development of the local industry and accelerates the realization of the long -term strategic plan to give Forward 2030. The Region in fact maintains the leadership in the offer of clean, safe and economically accessible mobility in Brazil and South America.