The Ministry of Economy and Finance has announced the arrival of BTp Plusa new product designed for small savers and families who want to invest safely. The placement is scheduled from 17 to 21 February, with early closing if the objective is achieved.
This security belongs to the Valore line, a series of financial instruments introduced in 2023 to offer innovative and flexible options to small savers. Each issue of the Valore family has been designed to adapt to the needs of private individuals, maintaining a clear and advantageous structure.
Duration and repayment options: operational details
The BTp Più will have a total duration of eight years. However, investors they will have the opportunity to leave earlierat the end of the fourth year, recovering all or part of the invested capital, with minimum cuts of 1,000 euros. This option will only be exercisable during a time window communicated by the Ministry at the beginning of 2029, and will be reserved for those who have kept the security in their portfolio without interruption from the moment of initial purchase. For those who choose not to use this option, the capital will be fully guaranteed at the natural maturity.
In addition, the security offers an intuitive reimbursement method, accessible directly from your bank or post office, simplifying procedures for less experienced savers.
Quarterly coupons and increasing returns
The new title will deliver structured returns over two phases of four years eacha, according to a step up mechanism. The coupons will be distributed every three months, as is now usual for retail securities, but with a peculiarity: the rates will be higher in the second half of the investment period. This approach intends incentivize holding the security until maturitymaking it a particularly interesting solution for those aiming to optimize long-term returns. The minimum guaranteed rates for both phases will be announced on February 14, a few days before the opening of the placement.
Accessibility and tax advantages
The BTp Più could be purchased exclusively by retail investorsusing your home banking enabled for online trading or by contacting your bank or post office. The minimum investment amount is set at 1,000 euros. During the placement days, the security will be subscribed at par and without commissions, although any costs of managing the securities account or online trading remain the responsibility of the investors.
On the fiscal front, the BTP Più benefits from a preferential tax rate of 12.5%. Furthermore, it is exempt from inheritance taxes and, as provided for by the 2024 budget law, up to 50,000 euros invested in government bonds do not contribute to the ISEE calculation, and this is why it is particularly interesting also for families.
Furthermore, the possibility of accessing a safe investment without initial subscription costs offers further attraction for those who want to manage their savings with greater awareness.
Placement methods and additional information
The security will be traded on the Mot platform (Mercato Telematico delle Obligazioni e Titoli di Stato of the Italian Stock Exchange), with the support of three dealer banks: Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Intesa Sanpaolo and UniCredit. The Ministry has already announced that official communications, including technical details, FAQ and information sheet, will be available on the websites Mef and the Treasury Department.