From autonomous to employees, for a turning point that would revolutionize the role of basic doctors. Already at the center of the debate during the management of the Covid-19 emergency, the relationship between family doctors and the national health system could change with the reform on the table of the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci, ready to transform the deals of General Medicine into state in all respects, with consequent regularization of times and working methods organized today.
The novelties were revealed by the Dataroom by Milena Gabanelli, who on Corriere della Sera summarized the contents of the draft 22 pages of the bill, on which the Meloni government would be at work.
The reform of general medicine
In addition to a greater participation of family doctors in the national health system evoked by several parts over the years by the pandemic, the reform of general medicine would be favored by generational change imminent in the category.
As pointed out at the end of 2024 by the president of Istat Francesco Maria Chelli, 77% of the basic doctors are more than 55 years old and within five years they estimate 9,960 pensioners on the approximately 37 thousand cans currently in service in the area. A turnover that should predict 8,814 new entrancesamong young doctors in favor of being hired as SSN employees, rather than working as autonomous.
The Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci would therefore have intended to grasp the ball and changing the page compared to the past, developing the attempt of the predecessor Roberto hope to oblige the basic doctors to guarantee 38 hours of service.
A turning point made today also necessary to make the homes of the community work, financed with 2 billion euros of the PNRR.
The role of basic doctors
According to the information that Dataroom He managed to preview, the draft of the reform of general medicine would be based on three points Central:
- the hiring as employees of the NHS of the new basic doctors, with the possibility granted to the cans in service of remaining freelancers;
- the guarantee of coverage from 8 to 20 of advanced diagnostic services and the performance of the activity both in their studies and in the new territorial principals;
- A commitment of 38 hours a week, divided between direct assistance to patients and territorial programming.
The family doctor will therefore have to comply with the indications of the district, dealing with both his clients and the community, for visits, vaccinations and other activities to be carried out in the homes of the community and in other public clinics prepared by the regions.
From the minimum between 5 and 15 hours guaranteed todaydepending on the number of patients, basic doctors should ensure such articulated commitment, as reported in the draft reform:
- Up to 400 assisted – 38 hours to make in the district or its joints, of which 6 hours to dedicate to the clients and the remaining for the needs of territorial programming;
- from 401 to 1,000 assisted – 12 hours to dedicate to the clients and the remaining for the needs of territorial programming; 3) from 1001 to 1,200 assisted: 18 hours to dedicate to the clients and the remaining for the needs of territorial programming;
- from 1.201 to 1,500 assisted – 21 hours to dedicate to the clients and the remaining for the needs of territorial programming;
- In addition to 1,500 clients – 24 hours to dedicate to the clients and the remaining for the needs of territorial programming.