Food disorders, the government makes the 250 million promised funds disappear

Recently we have returned to move the waters on the unrealized promise of the Minister of Health Schillaci regarding the DCA. A year ago, in fact, the minister had announced resource structural, of which no trace is still seen today. In addition to the damage, also the mockery: The majority in 2024 rejected an amendment that asked to finish the fund for the fight against the DCA with 20 million euros. At the moment, therefore, the fund provides for resources for approximately 10 million euros (instead of the 250 million promised by Schillaci) throughout 2025 and the first six months of 2026, sharing the expenses in the macro area of ​​the mental health.

Where did the specific resources end for the DCA promises? There are barely 500 thousand euros for information campaigns on the topic.

The Fund for the contrast to the DCA has not been renewed

The budget law is no longer a hot topic, yet one should continue to discuss what is missing within the maneuver and the consequences of the absence of some essential funds. Reported to light by the activism groups, we now return to talk about the “cuts” to the fund for the fight against the DCA.

The fund was born with the approved budget law December 30, 2021. The initial resources amounted to 25 million eurosdivided into:

  • 15 million for 2022
  • 10 million for 2023

In the text of the Budget Law it was also established that the fund should be divided between the State, the Regions and the autonomous provinces. Unfortunately, being a fund temporaryeach government had the opportunity to decide whether to renew it or not. For the Budget Law 2024, the Meloni government has chosen to do not renew it.

The promise of the Ministry of Health

It was precisely the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci who promised a refinancing of the fund, reserving 50 million euros for 2024 and 200 million for 2025. Furthermore, always according to what was declared by the minister, the fund would have become structural.

The urgency of this support derived from the numbers of the phenomenon: every year, in fact, i DCA They cause about 4 thousand deaths (an average of 10 people a day).

One last effort was required, namely the expectation of the update and entry into force of the new essential levels of assistance (Lea), as promised. To date, however, i eating disorders they are not as a specific category in the new ones Lea. Anorexia, bulimia, binge eating and other pathologies are thus falling within the wider group of “mental health”, with the concrete risk that the budget dedicated to it is completely insufficient.

At the moment, the bottom is reset And there are no resources available. The only items of spending are 500 thousand euros intended for information campaigns.