On January 1, 2024 there were 22,552 centenarians residing in Italy83% of whom are women, a 30% growth compared to just ten years ago. Also the otherworked, the elderly with at least 105 years of age, which at the beginning of 2024 were 844, of which only 106 men are also increasing.
Live up to 105 years
Starting from these data, Moneyfarm ago A journey into the numbers of longevity in Italyto demonstrate how important it is to plan the retirement years in time, to avoid being forced to significantly modify your standard of living after leaving the world of work.
To date, the regions with the highest concentration of centenary are the Liguria (61 per 100 thousand residents), the Molise (58 per 100 thousand) and the Friuli Venice-Julia (54 per 100 thousand), but based on the Istat data of December 2024 it is also possible to draw up The map of the Italian provinces with the highest expectation of life at birthwhich sees the North-East and the central regions of the peninsula at the top of the ranking.
Children with the highest waiting for life are born in the province of Florence (82.8 years) and, following, in various provinces of central-northern Italy (Monza, Rimini, Prato and Lecco), while those with less wait Of life are born in the provinces of Enna, Nuoro, Crotone, Naples and Caserta, who, with a wait for life at birth equal to 79 years of age, holds the national negative record.
Here’s how much it might cost
In terms of longevity, women are certainly advantaged, with a “Gender Gap” of about four years more than men in terms of waiting for life at birth: The luckiest are the girls who are born in the province of Trento (86.9 years) and, to follow, in other provinces of central-northern Italy (Prato, Rimini, Florence and Monza), while those with the lowest waiting Of life they are born in the Sicilian provinces of Agrigento, Syracuse and Enna and in those bells of Caserta and Naples, which, with a wait for life at birth equal to 83.2 years, closes the list.
The rankings change, however, depending on the‘age of the subject: The provinces with the most long -lived babies are not always the same as those with pensioners destined to live longer. Over the years, in fact, life expectancy increases, so that thewaiting for life at the average retirement age, that is 64 yearsreaches 88.8 years for the neopensionate of Trento and its province and at 85.4 years for the newborn from Rimini. At the opposite extreme of the ranking, the neopensions with less expected longevity are unfortunately always found in the provinces of Sicily and Campania, with Naples last in the ranking (85.7 years); The newly new men with the least expectation of life are instead in Caserta (82.8 years), with about two and a half years less than the Rimini peers.
It is, perhaps, a coincidence that the map of the regions with the highest expectation of life coincides with that of the regions with values of well -being higher than the national average in the areas of health, education, training, work and social relations, according to the last ISTAT report “Wellness and inequalities in Italy“. In fact, in addition to the natural genetic predisposition, there are undoubted factors related to the quality of the environment and personal lifestyle to contribute to the longevity of people, as well as the level of health care and, of course, welfare and ammoting of the pension allowance. It is therefore essential to begin as soon as possible to plan the withdrawal from the world of work, creating the foundations for a vital income that allows you to meet their economic needs even up to four decades after reaching the pension, as happens for those who have passed the fateful 100 threshold.
Moneyfarm’s calculations
If you think of a worker with one net salary of 2,000 euros per monthintended to retire at 64 in 2030 with 64% of his employee income (based on the replacement rate indicated by the statistics of the state accounting), his pension check will amount to 1,280 eurosabout 720 euros less than its current paycheck. Faced with the prospect of an wait of life equal to 85 years, the capital necessary to integrate the 100% public pension of the employee wages would be equal to 181,440 euros, but would rise to 354,240 euros if the 105 years are reached. The situation is even more critical for self -employed workers who, always considering a clear salary of 2,000 euros per month And the 64 -year -old retired entrance in 2030 could count on a replacement rate equal to 43% of their turnover and, therefore, on a pension allowance of only 860 euros, with a need for monthly integration of 1140 euros. Faced with the prospect of an wait of life equal to 85 years, the capital necessary to integrate the 100% public pension of the self -employment remuneration would be equal to 287,280 eurosbut it would rise to 560,880 euros if the age of 105 are reached.
Andrea RocchettiGlobal Head of Investment Advisory of Moneyfarm, commented: “In the race towards the milestone of the hundred years, the pension income becomes a crucial variable to guarantee the elderly a serene and dignified life, made of access to medical care and leisure opportunities, With the economic tranquility necessary to face the unexpected events. Italy is among the most long -lived countries in the world, and today the pension is no longer just a goal, but a long journey that can last even forty years. Planing in time, integrating the increasingly small public pension allowance with a form of complementary pension, is not only a responsible choice, but an investment on the quality of one’s future life. Living for a long time should be a conquest, not an economic concern. “