How many and what are the Italian military missions and bases abroad?

Italy has numerous military missions underway abroad and carried out by the armed forces: in 2024 I’m more than 40particularly in the regions of Middle East and of Horn of Africa. These missions serve to ensure the safetythe collective defense and the maintenance of peace and stabilization of specific countries or regional contexts. National contingents are numerically very varied: some missions, such as training and training missions, have few units, while others are more substantial. The main ones Italian bases abroad they include Army, Navy, Air Force and Carabinieri structures. Here are some that are still operational in 2024.

Italian military missions and bases abroad
  • 1Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina
  • 2Lebanon
  • 3Somalia and Djibouti
  • 4Iraq
  • 5Chad, Mali and Niger
  • 6Other missions in which Italy is involved
  • 7Specific missions of the Navy
  • 8Specific missions of the Air Force

Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina

THE‘Italy is present militarily in Kosovo with the mission KFOR from the BORNsince 1999. Our country was among the first to support the mission, which in 2005 was merged with the operation Joint Enterprisewhich included KFOR activities, NATO bases in Skopje, Tirana and Sarajevo. To the mission Joint Enterprise 28 countries take part in Kosovo, of which 20 belong to NATO and 8 partners, and with the presence of approximately 3800 units.​

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, instead, Italy participates in the European Union mission EUFOR (European Union Force)which began in December 2004, with a base in Mostar and in other facilities. The objective of the mission is to ensure the stability and peace in the region, according to Dayton Accords of 1995, with which the end of the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina was decreed. Since 2012, the operation has shifted its focus mainly to training and strengthening the training of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Italy contributes to the United Nations mission UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon), which aims to maintain peace between Lebanon and Israel. The basis of Shamasouth of Lebanonis one of the main Italian bases in this mission, and hosts Italian contingents engaged in security and humanitarian assistance activities.

Somalia and Djibouti

In the Somali capital MogadishuItaly has a military base that plays the role of support to the European Union mission in Africa, theEUTM Somalia, began in 2010. The aim of the mission is to train the Somali armed forces by helping to maintain the stability of the country.

Base of the EUTM mission in Somalia. Source: EEAS, The Diplomatic Service of the European Union

In the African state of Djiboution the border with Somalia, there is an Italian military support base, near the city of Loyada, La Amedeo Guilletnamed after Lieutenant Amedeo Guillet. Built in 2012hosts units belonging to the Army, Navy, Air Force and Carabinieri and its main task is to provide logistical support to Italian military operations in East Africa and the Indian Ocean.

Flag raising at the Amedeo Guillet military base, in Djibouti


Italy is present in Iraq with a military contingent engaged in missions for fight against terrorism and training of Iraqi security forces, particularly against ISIS. The base is located in Iraqi Kurdistanprecisely ad Erbil.

Chad, Mali and Niger

In ChadItaly participates in missions to support peace and stability in the region Sahelcontributing a small number of soldiers engaged in training and advising operations. In NigerItaly has a base in the capital Niamey, always supporting security in the Sahel, countering the terrorism and contributing to the stabilization of the area. In EvilsFurthermore, our country takes part in the European Union training mission EUTMwhich began in 2013.

Other missions in which Italy is involved

  • Under NATO auspices, in Bulgaria And Hungary Italy is present with the Operation Enhanced surveillance activity, started in 2022, and in Latvia with the mission Baltic guardianwhich began in 2017
  • Under the aegis of the UN, in addition to UNIFIL in Lebanon, Italy is present in Morocco with the operation MINURSOwhich began in 1991

Specific missions of the Navy

In addition to these, Italy is also engaged in missions with the Navy and the Air Force. As far as the Navy is concerned, the main missions in which our country takes part are part of European Union and NATO missions. Some examples are: EUNAVFOR – IRINIwhose mandate will end on March 31, 2025, which combats the illicit trafficking of weapons directed from Libya. EUNAVFOR – ATALANTA, extended until 2027, which counteracts the piracy In the Horn of Africa, the best known Operation Aspideswhich is responsible for ensuring maritime security and freedom of navigation in the areas of the Red Sea, Persian Gulf and North Arabian Sea, known in recent months following the missile attacks by the Houthis of Yemen. In the MediterraneanInstead, our country is committed to the mission Sea Guardianwith surveillance functions, fight against terrorism and defense of the right of navigation.

Specific missions of the Air Force

As regards the Air Force, Italy takes part in numerous NATO missions, such as Assurance Measures: aerial surveillance, control and sighting missions in the NATO allied countries of east front of Europe and Türkiye. Another mission in which our country is engaged is theItalian National Contingent Command Air (also known as Task Force Air Kuwait), established in October 2014 and dependent on the Joint Forces Operational Command. Its main functions are intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance Kuwait. Other operations are then present in Lebanon, Libya And Niger.

how the Italian armed forces are made up: army, navy, aviation, carabinieri