how the tests work and how much the qi matters

When you think of Albert Einstein, your mind reflects on the great genius of this man. Well, perhaps you would be surprised by discovering that his qi, or the Intellectual quotientwas substantially lower than the average. Staying on the subject of comparisons that strike, think that Thomas Edison also on this particular evaluation front presented some flaws. Still, nobody denies it, it was people out of normal, capable of opening new fronts. This just to say how much and how the simple concept of Qi must be correctly read and interpreted. In order not to fall into error when evaluating a person.

The path to evaluate the Qi

Trying to be synthetic, intellectual functioning is nothing more than a complex concept that includes a wide range of cognitive skills. For example, within this parameter there are the specific ability of an individual to learn, reason, solve problems and adapt to new situations. This function can be evaluated precisely with the estimate (or “calculation”) of the intellectual quotient (Qi), which provides a standardized score of intelligence based on psychometric tests.
On the educational front, the area in which this type of evaluation is more frequently applied, the Qi test could be indicated for diagnose learning disorders andAuthority from attention deficit with hyperactivity (ADHD), in addition to recognizing a delay in intellectual development. Thanks to this series of exams, they can better program and implement personalized educational or rehabilitation interventions to improve adaptation strategies and school or work performance. It should not be forgotten that sometimes the test can be requested and also carried out in the legal area.

Tests for Qi

The evaluation of the intellectual quotient (Qi) is conducted by a qualified psychologist with experience in the administration of Standardized tests and in the interpretation of the results. The session lasts about two hours. Currently the reference test to measure the intellectual functioning is called Wais-IV and is administered to teenagers (from 16 years of age) and adults (up to 90 years).

“It consists of a series of tests aimed at measuring specific cognitive skills which, as a whole, contribute to providing an index of the global intellectual quotient (Qi) – explains Nadia Bolognini, director of the clinical neuropsychology service and auxological psychology and ordinary of Cognitive neuropsychology and neuroscience of the University of Milan-Bicocca. The Wais-IV includes 10 subtests that investigate 4 main dimensions: the ability to understand verbal understanding, the visual-perceptive reasoning capacity, the working memory and the processing speed “.

The results obtained through the administration of Wais allow to obtain different indices, some of which of a more general nature (total qi, verbal qi and performance qi) and others of a more specific character that allow to highlight deficit to be paid by the individual dimensions and cognitive undergrounds measured by the test.
“From the point of view of the total score, which is given by the average of the scores obtained in the different sizes, a Qi between 90 and 109 is indicative of an average intellectual level, an qi greater than 120 is indicative of a higher intellectual level and a Qi less than 70 is indicative of mental retardation – concludes Bolognini. Those who exceed 130 qi points can be considered a genius. The highest qi has a range between 160 and 300 points“.

How much the qi matters

We must not fall into the error (see introduction) to consider a high Qi as a single parameter to be considered in the overall evaluation of the psycho-emotional and intellectual sphere of a subject. But you don’t even have to underestimate its value.

“Having a high Qi is obviously a facilitation – the expert knows. Since intelligence is the vehicle that mediates our ability to learn, understand and solve problems, as well as use our cognitive resources at best, certainly supports us in all activities and life situations. However, the concept of the Qi has been the subject of criticism for various reasons, including the fact that a single index cannot be considered sufficient to reflect the entire individual complexity, the different cognitive functions and the more specific human qualities, such as creativity, Empathy, resilience, ability to adapt to changes, as well as the so -called social and emotional intelligence, that is, the ability to relate to others efficiently, constructive and socially effectively. Furthermore, to increase the complexity of reading the concept of Qi, it must be taken into account that, like any statistical index, this is also not static but It is influenced by the social, cultural and educational context in which we live. In fact, if it is true that many successful characters often have a Qi beyond the norm, it is also true that less equipped characters in terms of numerical qi, can still prove to be ingenious “.

In short, morality is clear. If a person is particularly gifted, it is better to know. But do not think that an intelligence higher than the norm can represent the only parameter to evaluate an individual.