Connect to one public wi-fi network It is convenient and allows anyone to Connect to the internet without having a subscription with data traffic. These free and free connections, however, could hide significant risks for the security of personal data. The main danger is represented by attacks Mitm (Man-in-the-middle), in which a cybercriminal cybercriminal is interposed between you and the hotspot, intercepting the information transmitted. Not to mention the fact that public networks often do not have adequate security protocolsexposing their credentials, e-mails and financial data to possible thefts.
To reduce risks, it is essential to take protective measures such as the use of a VPNthe activation of thetwo -factor authentication and the verification of the presence of Safe connections https When you sail online. Even small precautions, such as disabled file sharing and disconnecting from Wi-Fi when not necessary, can make the difference. The safest measure of all, however, remains that of not using public Wi-Fi and resorting, if possible, to the data connection of your mobile phone, perhaps using tethering. Although no connection is completely safe, it is important to know the Risk to use public Wi-Fi And, even more important, understand also How to avoid them.
Where to find a free Wi-Fi
Before going into the heart of the article, we mention for the benefit of the least accustomed to technology, where you can find free wi-fi. In short, almost everywhere: bars, restaurants, airports, libraries, public offices, and so on. To identify the free Wi-Fi there are numerous services and apps that act as “Wi-Fi maps”. There is even a developed from Ministry of Companies and Made in Italy – is called WiFi Italy And it is available for Android, iOS/iPados, Windows and MacOS – which is very simple to use and which allows citizens to identify and access for free for all federated networks distributed on the national territory, as well as to all the hotspots under construction in the Municipalities.
What are the risks of public Wi-Fi
The free Wi-Fi access points are freely accessible to anyone. And this is precisely the problem: whoever It can use public Wi-Fi, including IT criminals. That’s why resorting to public wi-fi is potentially dangerous.
One of the most common dangers to which users of public wi-fi meet is the attack “Man-in-The-Middle” or Mitm. In this scenario, a hacker intercepts the traffic between your device and the hotspot, collecting sensitive information and all without even noticing it! This happens through Fasulle networks that imitate legitimate hotspots or using Vulnerability in unprotected connections. Thus, believing that you are connected to a reliable network, you could actually transmit data directly into the hands of a dangerous computer criminal.
Another problem of public Wi-Fi concerns the lack of encryption. Without adequate protections, such as the protocol TLS (Transport Layer Security), the information travel in clear and can be easily read by anyone who is able to intercept traffic. This means that login, passwords, bank data and even personal e-mails could be visible to an attacker.
Are there signs that can help you identify an ongoing attack while you are connected to a public Wi-Fi? The answer is yes. Among the most obvious signals, there are frequent and inexplicable disconnections, anomalous slowdowns of the network and URL of the websites: if they contain strange characters or differences compared to the original ones, they may have been altered to redirect you to pages used to perpetrate phishing attacks.
Precautions to be adopted when using public wi-fi
Including dangers, let’s see now what precaution to adopt when using public wi-fi. The first trick to be adopted concerns the use of a VPN (Virtual Private Network), a technology that encrypts the connection, preventing potential computer criminals from intercepting your data. Even if a hacker managed to insert himself between you and the hotspot, he would not be able to decipher the information transmitted. For what reason? When you use a VPN, it’s as if your data were protected by a species “Armored box” locked with a padlock, making them illegible for anyone who tries to spy on them. And even if a hacker manages to intercept your data flow (therefore your “armored box”), it could not decipher its content, as the VPN adds a further protection layer creating a “Cryptic tunnel”which hides not only the data that travel inside, but also the following path, thus guaranteeing a greater level of security.
Another important thing to do is Always activate two -factor authentication or 2fa on your online accounts. This system adds an additional level of security, requiring a second verification element in addition to the password, for example a code sent through special authentication apps. So, even if an attacker should know your password, he would not be able to access your accounts without the second authentication factor.
Another useful size is theExclusive use of websites with HTTPS connectionrecognizable by the icon of padlock in the browser addresses bar. Https is Hypetext Transfer Protocol Over Secure Socket Layer And it guarantees that the data transmitted are encrypted, making it more difficult to intercept. Some browsers offer extensions to force the use of HTTPS on all the sites visited, further improving safety.
Also the device settings In use they play an important role in protection from the risks of public Wi-Fi. Deactivate the sharing of files and printers In the network settings and, if you use a Windows PC, always choose the option “Public Network” When you connect to a new hotspot, so that the operating system applies more rigid safety restrictions. And if you don’t need to be online, turn off the wi-fi To reduce exposure to possible attacks it will not be a bad idea at all.
Also evaluate the use of a good security software (like an antivirus), which can provide additional protection, detecting any suspicious activities and blocking computer threats in the bud, before they can infect your computer or smartphone. Some attackers, in fact, take advantage of public Wi-Fi to distribute harmful software, inducing you to download fake updates or click on deceptive pop-up windows. The use of a safety software will allow you to sleep with reasonably quiet sounds also with regard to these eventions.