In turnover down in 2024, a sign less also in 2025

IBIlanci of the Italian capital companies continue to record a negative turnover trend which is affected by the current conjuncture slowdown. After the double-digit growth of the post-Covid two-year period (2021-2022), in 2023 iThe turnover of Italian capital companies decreased, recording a drop in real terms of 4.9% (3.9% in nominal terms). The economic trend for 2024 indicates a further drop in turnover, even if more contained, equal to -1.5% in nominal terms that translates into -2.9% in real terms, i.e. taking into account inflation.

In 2024 turnover of 2.9%

The forecasts for the 2025 They are a recovery of +1.8% in nominal terms that would translate into a decrease in real terms of – 0.2%. It is the estimate of the Observatory on capital companies carried out by the National Accountants Foundation, containing the turnover estimates for 2024-2025 and the data relating to the budgets of 2023.

This trend indicates that potential crisis areas tend to expand and mainly affect small companies, that is, those that suffer more access to bank credit and which are practically excluded from the capital market. A trend, this, at the base of which there are some particularly sensitive indicators.

In 2025 0.2% down

According to accountants, the incidence of financial charges on turnover begins to rise in a dangerous way for some entrepreneurial segments, while the weight of tax and social security debts, which overall remains stable, rises suddenly among small businesses, in particular those with a turnover between 1 and 5 million euros which count about 160 thousand companies1.5 million employees and 350 million turnover.

Budgets 2023

From the analysis of the budgets 2023, it is noted that the falling in turnover interests only micro -enterprises (-4.1%) and large companies (-9.2%), while SMEs have seen the turnover grow. In addition, the drop has exclusively affected the centronord, while in the south an increase in turnover occurred (+9.2%). In particular, in the center the drop was rather marked (-13.8%). In addition, the drop in turnover is concentrated in industry (-3.4%) and in the “other services” (-19.4%), while constructions (+21.6%) and accommodation and catering (+17.4 %) saw the turnover continue to grow in double digits.

Employees increased by 2.1%on average, while the only segment to record a drop was that of micro-enterprises (-9.1%). The share of companies that closes the budget in profit rises slightly to 76%. The degree of property also shows a slight increase from 40.1% to 41.7%. The ROE goes from 11.7 to 12.8%, while the degree of debt is unchanged to 52.6% (debts in relation to the total assets). Overall, the incidence of financial charges on the Mol Sale from 16.8 to 18.3%, while tax and social security debts, which on average are 2.4%, rise to 7%for small businesses (companies with turnover between 1 and 5 million euros) with an increase in a single year of 0.6 percentage points.