Inflation, the most expensive cities of 2024: Bolzano at the top

In December the inflation rate was confirmed at +1.3% on an annual basis. Overall, Istat announced, in 2024 consumer prices will record an average growth ofell 1.0%, while the record average for 2023 stood at +5.7%. A decline mainly due to the drop in the prices of energy goods compared to the peaks reached in the previous year.

Italy, average inflation 2024 at +1%

With inflation at these levels, the ONF – National Federconsumatori Observatory estimates impacts, for an average family, equal to +409.50 euros per year. However, these estimates are weighed down by the threat of new growth in energy costs, with the prices of regulated energy goods rising from +7.4% to +12.7% in 2024 and destined to achieve much more significant increases in 2025. A trend that risks having repercussions, as happened in the past, on the general trend of prices: the National Observatory has, in fact, estimated for 2025 a hit of +914.04 euros per year per family.

the most expensive cities of 2024:

“After the very strong increases recorded in 2023, the trend continues in 2024 as well grocery runwith the retail prices of the sector marking an average annual increase of +2.4%, confirming the many alarms launched in recent months by Assoutenti, on which we will ask Mister Prezzi for further information”, commented the president of the association, Gabriele Melluso. According to Assoutenti, the “dramatic” trend of food prices is confirmed which, in the face of an average inflation of 1%, has recorded much heavier increases of +2.4% over the last year, equivalent to greater spending from +219 euros on average for a family with two children. In terms of impact on the community, Italians spent 3.9 billion euros more on drinking and eating alone last year than in 2023.

The National Consumers Union instead, it has drawn up the ranking of the most expensive cities in Italy in 2024, in terms of increase in the cost of living. Not only, therefore, regional capital cities or municipalities with more than 150 thousand inhabitants. At the top of the ranking Bolzano, dwhere the average inflation of +1.7%, the second highest in Italy after Brindisi (+1.8%), translates into the greatest additional annual expenditure, equivalent, for an average family, to 492 euros more compared to 2023. Silver medal for Rimini, which, having the third highest inflation in the country, +1.6%, has an increase in spending, compared to 2023, equal to 435 euros per family. On the lowest step of the podium Siena which with +1.7% (ex aequo with Bolzano) has an additional expense of 434 euros per year for a typical family.

Bolzano at the top, the ranking

On the other side of the ranking, the only city in deflation is Campobassor, where with -0.1% there is a saving of 21 euros compared to spending in 2023. Biella is in second place, with no change in prices. Bronze medal for Caserta, +0.1% and +21 euros. At the top of the ranking of the most “expensive” regions, with an annual inflation of +1.3% (the highest in Italy at a regional level, ex aequo with Veneto), Trentino records an average burden equal to at 370 euros. The most saving region is Molise, +0.1% equal to +21 euros, followed by Valle d’Aosta (+0.1%, +26 euros). Bronze medal for Basilicata (+0.5%, +105 euros).