The political attention of the last few days was captured by a twist during the eighth edition of “The restart, free to think”the event organized by Nicola Porro. In full judicial storm linked to Almasri casethe Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has chosen to intervene with a surprise connection, taking advantage of the opportunity to defend the executive strategy on safety and, above all, for relaunch his economic story. With decisive tones and a series of strategic jokes, he tried to disassemble the criticisms and credit as a guarantor of a policy that, according to her, is reporting investments and stability in the country.
Investments and attractiveness of the country
Giorgia Meloni immediately put the numbers on the table to strengthen the fiction of An Italy that returns to being a pole of attraction for capital. “A few days ago a Norwegian investment fund, the largest in the world for assets, bought over 8 billion euros of Italian government bonds”, said, linking this signal to the “credibility that I struggle to build”.
The example, according to him, demonstrates the renewed trust in public accounts and the solidity of the Italian economy. But the premier didn’t stop there. He has claimed the international interest in the future of Ilva, with industrial groups of India, Azerbaijan and Canada ready to compete for the historic Tarantino steel center.
And on the Italian Airways dossier, he highlighted the partnership with Lufthansa, describing it as the key to the relaunch of the tricolor airline (Lufthansa simply bought ITA). In short, a rundown of data to strengthen the image of a country which, according to the president, is returning to the map of large investors.
Export growth and agricultural record
Meloni has exhibited the export data as trophies, highlighting a performance that, according to him, certifies the vitality of the Italian economy. “Italy’s exports to non -EU countries reached a record value in 2024 for the last ten years: 305 billion euros“He said, presenting the data as a tangible demonstration of the ability of the production system to withstand global competition.
But the highlight came with theagriculture: “The agricultural sector marked the historical primacy, in 2024 we are the nation among the 27 EU countries with the highest agricultural added value”. A sector, the agri -food sector, which according to the premier not only holds, but imposes itself as a model in Europe. However, beyond the cuffed figures, the node of the sustainability of this growth remains in a context in which international trade slows down and geopolitical tensions complicate the supply chains.
Financial stability and impact on markets
The premier brought the question of economic stability to the foreground, emphasizing the Reduction of the spread: “It has dropped by more than half since we settled and it is not a philosophical fact. It means billions saved on the interests to be paid on the government bonds that return to citizens to be spent in something else “.
The role of economic policy
According to Meloni, economic stability would be the business card that reported Italy among the protagonists of the international scene. “From the ice of the fjords to the sand of the desert, the world has returned to look with interest to Italy,” said romantically, hooking the concept to government’s economic policy.
Has claimed The success of the missions abroadincluding the 10 billion euro agreement with Saudi Arabia, calling it a strategic result that “allows you to open doors for our companies, means jobs, means possible investments”. But if the government bets on strengthened economic relationships, it remains to be understood how much these agreements will transform into concrete benefits for the Italian production fabric, into a context in which the international competition does not grant margins of error.
Nicola Porro, faithful to his pressing style, did not miss the opportunity to touch the most burning theme of the moment: the investigation that involved the premier and some ministers of his executive. In an ironic tone, he put the question of the table on the table“Due act, an act not due”alluding to the controversies on the decisions of the Prosecutor.
Meloni did not hold back and transformed the question into an assist to strengthen his position. After joke about the possibility that Porro was “radiated by the order of journalists” if he hadn’t asked that question, he took the ball and overturned the question: Not a personal problem, but damage to Italy. The real risk, he claimed, is that similar judicial initiatives – the survey for embezzlement – have repercussions on the investment and perception of stability of the country.
His quote of the Financial Timeswhich gave ample space to the news of his registration in the register of suspects, added weight to argument: “Now in your opinion the same Norwegian investment fund who has just bought 8 billion euros of Italian state government bonds after reading This news is more led to buy 9 or 7 or maybe zero? “. A direct attack on that part of the judiciary that, according to him, would hinder economic growth With interventions that create uncertainty.
Behind the blow and response with Porro, a precise strategy emerges: transforming a judicial investigation into a chapter of the wider comparison between politics and judiciary, bringing the speech from the national to the economic-financial plan. The premier thus tried to transform a potential weakness into a proof of strength, claiming stability and reliability in front of investors.
The challenges of economic governance
The premier closed his intervention with a reflection that mixed politics and showmanships, launching a lunge against some judicial dynamics: “It is not normal for some political magistrates to try to hit those who are not deployed with them,” he said, transforming a matter institutional in a theme of consent.
Then he wanted to reassure the public, adopting The register of the fighter leader: “As long as you are there, I will be there too.” The atmosphere lightened with a joke that made the audience smile: “One day I dream of making a melon soup or I know, the fruit salad with melons”.
Nicola Porro collected the glove promptly: “Let’s do it together one day”. “I’m there,” she replied. But between jokes and Siparietti, the point remains: the government, according to Meloni, is remitting the ingredients of the Italian economy to put it back in a boil. How really tasty the final dishhowever,, The numbers will say it and the markets.