Telephone scams with foreign prefixes continue to claim victims: this time there seems to be an escalation of phone calls and messages coming from numbers with the area code +49 (0049) from the Germany and this is what we warn you about. As in the case of other similar frauds, also the +49 scam it can take various forms: in some cases cyber criminals make a ring to push the user to call the number back and incur a high cost for the phone call made; in yet other cases, scammers could entice the contacted users by promising them easy earnings. To avoid falling victim to these ploys, you must always keep your attention threshold high, activate any anti-spam filters available on your smartphone and not answer these calls.
How it works and how to recognize the +49 scam from Germany
There Germany +49 area code scam can take on different operating schemesdepending on the strategy that scammers can implement at any given time.
One of the most common techniques is that of missed callsalso known by the Japanese term “wangiri”. How does it work practically? It’s conceptually very simple: the scammer makes a call which is then dropped before the victim can answer. Driven by curiosity, many call back without knowing that the number in question is associated with a pay line with very high rates, capable of draining the remaining credit in a few seconds or generating very high costs on the bill.
Another widespread scheme concerns false job offers. Fraudsters send messages (via SMS, WhatsApp or other similar methods) promising well-paid jobs with flexible hours, often taking advantage of situations of economic difficulty. To proceed with the application, however, you are asked to send personal data, copies of documents or even to pay an initial amount with the excuse of covering administrative expenses or materials to be used for the job. It goes without saying that, once the payment has been made, the contact disappears into thin air.
Another widespread deception concerns i fake prizes and competitions. The victim receives a communication stating that they have won an exclusive prize (for example a kit for do-it-yourself German-made), which can only be redeemed after paying a fee or providing personal information. Of course, the prize doesn’t exist, and any information the scammer collects is used for fraudulent purposes, such as identity theft.
Then there is the danger of sentimental scamsa strategy that exploits the emotional involvement of victims. The bad guys pretend to be interested in establishing a love relationship and, after weeks or even months of interactions, begin to request sums of money with apparently plausible excuses, such as health problems, sudden trips or unexpected expenses of various kinds. The victim, now romantically involved, often falls into the trap and sends the money without suspecting anything.
How to recognize the German area code scam
Regardless of the variant of the scam that could be “administered” to you in the coming weeks from numbers with the +49 prefix, you can defend yourself. The main advice to achieve this is, obviously, not to answer suspicious calls and messages, especially if they come from foreign area codes. In the case of missed calls, this is crucial don’t call backwhile for messages it is useful to block the sender and report it to the messaging app used.
Some smartphones have anti-spam features that can be activated to filter unwanted calls. Furthermore, it is always good practice do not click on suspicious links And do not download attachments from untrustworthy sources.
If you have realized that you have already fallen victim to the German prefix scam (perhaps just from reading this article of ours on the subject), we suggest you report the incident to the authorities (like the Postal Police), to try to settle the matter in some way.