The Italian plan against Trump’s duties aims at exports in other countries

Antonio Tajani He brought together the Gotha of the Italian production sector to focus on the state of exports and the next moves of Italy. On the table, the relations with Washington, the shadow of the duties wanted by Donald Trump and the need to diversify the destinations of Italian goods. No tour of words: the government wants to arm the companies and push on new markets.

Italy-United States: business to be consolidated without uncertainties

At the meeting, the big names of the Italian economic institutions – Ice, Sace, SIMEST – together with the main trade associations, from Confindustria to Coldiretti took part. The US remain the first non-EU commercial partner of Italy and the second outlet market for national exports, with a weight of 10.3%.

In Washington the revision of commercial policy is in progress and will close on April 1st. Tajani does not want to wait passively: the plan is strengthen relations with the Americans and put the companies away from possible surprises.

“The government is on the side of our companies. I am sure that the bond of friendship that Lega Italia and the United States will allow us to strengthen the dialogue also in the field of commercial policy, “said the minister.

New routes for exports: Made in Italy looks beyond

If America remains a priority, Italy He does not want to put all the eggs in the same basket. The thrust is now on Mercosur (South America’s common market), Asia, Balkans and Gulf countries. In pole position India, Indonesia and Vietnam, where the Made in Italy It still has large growth margins.

Companies will be able to exploit system missions and international fairs to make room, in line with the strategies that emerged to the general states of Milan exports. The goal is to expand the range of action and not to remain hostage to the decisions of a single market.

Duties, Brussels and the Italian strategy

The duties issue remains an unknown that Italy does not intend to suffer passively. At the EU foreign affairs Council, Antonio Tajani reiterated that the way to follow is a compact and determined Europe to defend his companies. If the USA raises barriers, Rome will ask for a coordinated reaction.

At the end of the meeting, Tajani made it clear that The work does not end there. The comparison with the trade associations will be constant and the strategies will be updated in real time to adapt to global scenarios. Italian export does not stop, and the government wants to make sure that the business of tricolor companies continues to travel without obstacles.

Tajani-Rubio: call on hot dossiers, from duties to international security

On only Sunday evening Tajani had a Telephone interview with Marco Rubionew secretary of American state. The first bilateral exchange between the head of US diplomacy and the Foreign Minister touched hot themes: Euro-Atlantic security, Ukrainian, Middle East. But the heart of the discussion was the topic that weighs the most on the Italian economic fabric: the duties.

The Trump administration has in the sights of European exports, with Italy among the most exposed countries. The estimates speak of damage to Italy for 9 billion. The question was then formally addressed on Monday 27 January in Brussels, but in the meantime Tajani wanted to play in advance with Washington.

It is no mystery that Donald Trump has already launched signals on his line: “I like Giorgia Meloni, let’s see what will happen,” he said, suggesting that the‘Italy could deal with a different position compared to other European partners.

It must also be said that President Meloni internationally is moving his pawns, first participating in the Trump settlement and then tightening agreements with Saudi Arabia.

Italy and USA: growing commercial relationship, but not without obstacles

Over the past ten years, trade between Italy and the United States has marked constant growth, interrupted only in 2020 due to pandemic. In 2023 Italian exports touched the 67.3 billion euroswith an increase of 3.4% compared to the previous year.

The imports from the USA, on the other hand, reached 25.2 billion, marking a +1.1% compared to 2022 and a surge of 59.5% compared to 2021. With a commercial surplus more than double compared to imports, l ‘Italy has an important weight in the exchange of exchanges with Washington.

But the mechanism is not always linear. Italy is the European country most targeted by American commercial defense measures: 14 anti-dumping e 4 Anti-Sovventations In recent years, a statistics that places it at the top of the list of the most affected EU states, second only to Japan among the members of the G7.

The sectors in the sights go from the steel to aluminum, passing through mattresses and agri -food, with pasta among the products historically subject to restrictions. Some of these measures date back to the 80s and 90s, but remain current and continue to be renewed.