The Regional Council of Veneto approved the resolution proposed by the Regional Health Councilor, Manuela Lanzarinwhich provides theexemption of the payment of ticket in local health facilities for those who have been victim of violence. The intervention, more specifically, will be active from February 1, 2025 and is connected to the measures aimed at protecting victims of violence resident in Veneto who access healthcare facilities, as provided for by the art. 21 of regional law 33/2024 in turn linked to the 2025 Stability Law. The support, for the beneficiaries, will be both of a physics That psychological.
No tickets for victims of violence
The initiative of the Region Venetoas mentioned, has the main aim of financially helping those who, certainly through no fault of their own, find themselves forced to face a psychological or physical rehabilitation process. The only requirement necessary for the victims of violence is being resident within the Region.
Specifically, all medical services used by the victim of violence from the date of discharge from the emergency room are included in the benefit, including those relating to expenses. psychological and those of specialist outpatient connected to the violence suffered.
A decision of civility and contrast
The promoter herself claimed the importance of the choice made by the Veneto Regional Council on the exemption of the ticket for those who have been victims of violence Manuela Lanzarin who, in no uncertain terms, spoke of a “civility decision” with which the local administration of the North East led by Luca Zaia aims to stay as close as possible to people who find themselves in the difficult situation of physical and emotional rehabilitation, which has become necessary due to the violence they have suffered.
“The exemption from paying the ticket – added the Health Councilor of the Veneto Region – is a concrete way to take care of them, not only through wound care. In fact the exemption will concern theentire treatment processfollowing discharge from the emergency room. The women affected by these terrible traumas also need to feel the closeness of the institutions and this is a way to create trust and provide help.”
The need to prevent violence from occurring
With its measure, the Region Venetoin addition to providing medical assistance to victims, also aims to find solutions that allow “recognizing violence” and anticipating “the need for medical care”.
“It will be the objective to be achieved – added the Venetian Health Councilor Lanzarin – and we will be able to do it through the awareness of individuals and the work and common commitment of all institutional actors and society as a whole. Not turning your back on the slightest signs of abuse and when respect for the person is lacking, it can make the difference, therefore it will be important to work together with local authorities and all the operators involved in combating violence against women”.