The Ministry of Healthin its function of monitoring products that put health at risk, has recalled a product dangerous. It is a minestrone sold by the supermarket chain Eurospin.
The risks associated with the product are quite serious, so much so that the ministry has asked for it return to the point of sale. The warning is not to consume it and, for supermarkets or retail outlets, not to sell it.
Recall for Eurospin minestrone: risk of botulism
With the notes ofApril 30th the Ministry of Health (also present on thededicated app) has decided to recall a potentially dangerous product. It is a minestrone which takes the name (sales name) of “soup with spelled and vegetables“. The name identifies the brand's vegetable soup Green leaf sold at the supermarket low cost Eurospin.
The manufacturer and identification mark of the establishment is Ortomad – La linea verde SpA, specifically from the Manerbio factory, via Artigianale n. 49 in Brescia. To better identify the package under recall, you can check the affected lot: L 124110.
The soup comes in a brown package that simulates a soup plate. On the cardboard that covers it there is the writing “Soup with spelled and vegetables” and “100% vegetable and seasoned with extra virgin olive oil (2%)”. It set off the alarm because of the possible presence of clostridia, bacteria producing bacteria botulinum toxins who bring the botulism.
The recall, scheduled for April 30, 2024 for the product with an expiration date of May 9, 2025, comes with a warning. The note states that the product must not be consumed and return it to the point of sale for replacement or refund.
What clostridia cause and how to recognize the symptoms of botulism
THE clostridia they are a genus of anaerobic bacteria, meaning they thrive in oxygen-free environments. Some species of clostridia are harmless or even beneficial, but others can cause serious illness. Between these:
- Clostridium botulinum which produces botulinum toxin, responsible for botulisma rare but potentially fatal disease that affects the nervous system and can cause muscle paralysis;
- Clostridium difficile, also known as “C. diff” which causes serious gastrointestinal infections;
- Clostridium tetani which produces tetanus toxin, which causes the tetanusa disease characterized by painful muscle contractions and spasms;
- Clostridium perfringensbacterium associated with food poisoning: causes diarrhea and abdominal cramps.
In the specific case the risk for the presence of clostridia was linked to those that cause the botulism. The disease presents symptoms that are not always easy to identify, such as a general one muscle weakness or blurred vision. More evident are the speech difficulty and in swallowing, dryness of the mouth and mouth, up to paralysis. In more serious cases it shows breathing difficulty (which can be potentially fatal) e paralysis of the muscleseven those fundamental to life.