2025 a positive year is expected

The year that has just begun was born in the name ofuncertainty from every point of view, for the change of pace triggered by the new Trump Administration: For the effects that more protectionist policies will have on the world trade and economy and for the inflationary impact of a deficit economic policy. In this context, in front of a strong dollar and a US equity that pulls the sprint on European eagles, some are glimpsed Opportunities for the raw materials marketwhich can respond to this uncertainty both for the feature of refuge investment and as a catalyst for economic growth, especially in some specific sectors. This is what emerges from an analysis of Albert Chumanager of natural resources of Man GroupManagement and Research Company listed on the London Stock Exchange.

From precious protection against uncertainty (and not only …)

Gold and silver they will remain the last Protection against the crisis. Both metals – the Man’s analyst is on the surface in 2024. The gold price rose by almost 30% and that of the silver of over 20%, with investors who searched for refuge investments in a context of Interest rates cutsof escalation of conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine and returning from the Trump administration, which has rekindled the fears of a commercial war with China.

Silver – says Chu – is destined to benefit not only of its historical role of Wallet coveragebut also of his industrial applications In sectors such as solar energy and electronics.

In this sense, the actions of mining companies that extract gold and silver offer an interesting investment opportunity. If it is true that the Auriferous actions have remained behind Compared to the gold for several years, investors should remember that, in the upward markets for gold, the Auriferi securities often overperform the raw material below.

The assist of central banks

The gold rally in recent years has been unique, with the central banks who have purchased physical gold To diversify their investments compared to the US dollar, even if interest rates were going up. On the other hand, the flows of “paper” gold (i.e. future contracts negotiated on regulated markets) were constantly negative after 2020. This trend remained until 2024, when the rates started to go down and flows have started to return on the “paper” gold market.

According to the expert, this could be a catalyst potential for the resumption of the actions of precious metals from their relative submarine.

A long -term view for copper

The copperon the other hand, tells a longer term story. There Weakness of last yeardue to the insufficient stimulus measures of China and the slowdown in the global manufacturing sector, has masked the structural demand that underlies the metal. Copper is essential for everything, from infrastructures for the renewable energy to energy consumption linked toartificial intelligence. As the world moves towards the electrification and modernization of networks, the role of copper becomes more and more critical.

A resumption of manufacturing activity or one Reconstitution of Chinese stocks In 2025 they could therefore trigger a significant red metal rally.

Two -speed energy: the gas privileged

As for the rest of the raw materials, the scenario is mixed. Natural gas closed 2024 with a positive note, thanks to the coldest climate. Long -term perspectives for North American natural gas are promising: the new export systems of Liquefied natural gas (GNL) allow you to send excess gas to satisfy the strong question of global markets.

The rawon the other hand, had difficulties due to an excessive offer and one warm questionwith the geopolitical tensions that have not been able to disturb the markets significantly.

The renewable sources and electricity remain interesting Despite the political risks, under the push of the acceleration of the adoption of artificial intelligence and the growing urgency linked to the scarcity of energy.