The multiply the Hacker attacks also and above all against the hospitals Italian And the ACN, the National Cybersicacy Agency, feeds the employees in the sector.
From January 2022 onwards, on average, on average 2.6 Cyberattacchi per monthhalf of which has translated into a worsening of the services provided in terms of availability of reservations And visits or in damage to the privacy of patients.
The data were made known by the technic during the conference The cybernetic threat to the health sector At Villa Igiea, Palermo.
Because hospitals are affected by hackers
According to the data collected, Between 2022 and 2023 Italy has witnessed a decisive increase in the frequency of documented malicious events, which amount to a total of 45 cases.
So explains the Agency for National Cybersicacy:
“Attack attempts are often successful since some security practices, even elementary, come ignored or bad implemented. In most cases, this is the result of little attention to the safety aspects connected to the management of digital systems, or one lacking training Specifies on the cyberscurity of the staff employed in hospitals, medical centers, clinics and other health facilities “.
And the number of events recorded in 2023 reveals a 50% increase compared to 2022 redemption for the release. “In this case, the ransomware attacks are the most widespread cybernetic threat for the sector, with 35% of events in 2023 and 60% of events in 2022”, explains the ACN.
Healthcare among the most affected sectors
With about fifty structures affected between hospitals and services in the area, in the year 2024 Healthcare was the third of the most affected sectors, after the manufacturing and the retail.
The deputy director of the technician, Nunzia Ciardi, explained the reason for the phenomenon:
“Healthcare is among the most affected sectors because it deals with very sensitive and therefore very attractive data from the criminal point of view. This is why we all have a duty to make maximum effort. The agency will distribute the guidelines to each ASP to raise safety levels. The principle is that every single operator must feel responsibility for his role, in the awareness that the data are nothing more than the synthesis of our lives “.
Public structures, has been pointed out by Ciardi, cannot and have to pay redemptions. But at the same time “unfortunately there is a submerged of private individuals who, given the importance, end up paying”.
Always in 2024, theItaly it was found to be the Second European countryas well as the fifth worldwide, among the affected nations.
The case of Russian hackers
In addition to solitary hackers who act as loose dogs and structured underworld organizations, there is then the case of ideologized hackers who use mouse and keyboards to fight one Hybrid warto.
This is the case of pro -Russian hackers who hide behind the names of the collectives Serverkillers and Noname057 (16), who normally launch type attacks Ddos (Distributed Denial of Service) that simulate access to a website of thousands of users, clogging the servers and sending the services on tilt.