How to make accented lowercase vowels: hot keys for the letters à, á, è, é, ì, í, ó, ò, ù, ú

The accented vowels they are fundamental characters in writing, both in Italian and in various other languages, as they allow us to distinguish words with different meanings and allow the reader to read them with the correct pronunciation. In Italian, the accented lowercase vowels are: to, to, And, And, the, the, or, or, ù, ú. The accents that we can find are two: thegrave accent (represented with `) and theacute accent (represented with ´). However, not all of these vowels are present in an Italian keyboard, where only à, è, é, ì, ò, ù appear. If you write with a smartphone it is often enough to hold down the vowel that interests you to make a small pop-up appear with the various accented versions, while if you write with a physical keyboard you can write lowercase accented vowels on Windows and macOS it is possible to use some quick keys that are very simple to use.

How to accent lowercase vowels: here’s how to write them

If you belong to those who have wondered at least once “How to accent lowercase vowels?”and your difficulty lies in reproduce lowercase vowels with a grave accentthe question is simple: in this case you just need to identify e press the button with the symbol to use printed on it at a given moment – to, And, the, or And ù – without doing anything else.

The situation changes if you want to reproduce them on the screen lowercase vowels with acute accent. The procedure to follow in this case varies depending on the operating system in use.

If you have Windows

If you have a PC Windows equipped with numeric keypad and you want to write a lowercase vowel with an acute accent, press the key Num Lockpress the Alt keytype the ASCII code corresponding to the symbol you want to reproduce on the screen and release the Alt key.

Below you will find all the key combinations to make lowercase vowels with acute accent on Windows PC:

  • to it is reproduced by pressing Alt + 160
  • And is played by pressing Alt + 130
  • the you play using the combination Alt+161
  • or is played by pressing Alt+162
  • ú it is reproduced by pressing Alt + 163

If your PC does not have a numeric keypad, obviously, you will not be able to use the shortcuts that we reported above. You can, however, proceed in an alternative way.

Call up the menu Windows emoji panel pressing the keys Win + . (then the button showing the Windows logo together with the one showing the dot symbol) and select the tab showing the symbols %⟳Δ+. Once this is done, select the wording Latin symbols and click on the accented lowercase vowel you want to use.

Example highlighting how to produce the á on Windows.

If you have macOS

To write vowels with the acute accent on macOSinstead, hold down the key relating to the vowel of interest to you – to, And, the, or And u – and, when the contextual menu appears, press the button number 2which will allow you to display it on the screen to, And, the, or And údepending on the letter pressed previously.

Alternatively you can use the window Character viewerwhich you can recall by selecting items Edit > Emojis & Symbols from the menu bar (top left) and looking for the lowercase vowel you are interested in from the section Latins.

Example that highlights how to produce é on macOS.

Summary table of shortcut keys for writing accented lowercase letters

Vocal Symbol Shortcut for Windows Shortcut for macOS
to to Alt + 133 or à to
to to Alt + 160 a (long press) + 2
And And Alt + 138 or is And
And And Alt + 130 e (long press) + 2
the the Alt + 141 or ì the
the the Alt+161 i (long press) + 2
or or Alt + 149 or ò or
or or Alt+162 or (long press) + 2
u ù Alt + 151 or ù ù
u ú Alt + 163 u (long press) + 2