In which countries do men urinate sitting more often than standing and why is it good for their health?

The habit of urinate while sitting for the men it is a topic that intertwines culture, hygiene and health. If in many countries it is considered one unusual and not “masculine” practice (unfortunately, for example, in Italy), in other states, such as Germanyit is instead common. This simple daily choice actually it’s good for your health: especially in old age it reduces the risk of urinary infections and prostate problems.

Geographical distribution: Countries where men urinate sitting down

According to a survey hosted by YouGov, the Germany it would be the European country where men are most likely to urinate while sitting. The phenomenon is so ingrained that there is even a term to describe the men who do it: Sitzpinklerliterally “one who urinates while sitting” (sometimes used, it must be said, in ironic and derogatory terms). Followed by states like Sweden hey Netherlands. In contrast, in nations such as the UK and Italy urinating while sitting is less common and unfortunately is often perceived as an “unmasculine” gesture.

Urinating while sitting or standing: cultural and sociological reasons

The way we urinate reflects a people’s culture because everyday bodily practices, however seemingly banal or “natural,” are actually shaped by social norms, symbolism, and cultural structures.

Mary Douglasin his book Purity and Danger (1966), analyzed how hygiene rules represent symbolic systems that define what a culture considers “clean” or “unclean”. The way people relate to spaces such as the bathroom, and the associated rules, would thus reflect a precise form of cultural and social organization. Also Michel Foucaultin Supervise and punish (1975), underlines how the body is a place where disciplinary and symbolic powers are exercised.

The way of urinating is not exempt from all this and therefore is not “just” a biological gesturebut also a “cultural act” which communicates more or less respect for social norms or adherence to a certain system of values ​​(for example that of “masculinity”).

According to some sociological and anthropological theses, the gesture of urinating while standing reflects a cultural symbol very specific emphasis on the canons of masculinity And manhoodactually counterproductive from a medical point of view. In fact, the studies on the subject agree in stating that for men, urinating sitting down (as women do) brings numerous benefits on a physical level (we will see more about this shortly). This specification, therefore, reminds us how a daily gesture, taken for granted and considered “natural” (such as urinating while standing) can actually reflect broader cultural and identity dynamics.

The health benefits of urinating while sitting for men

As we mentioned, urinating while sitting offers benefits for men health benefits. Among many, a study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) highlights that this position facilitates greater emptying of the bladder, reducing the risk of urinary infections and prostate problems, especially in elderly men. The sitting position allows the pelvic muscles to relax completely, promoting a more regular urinary flow. This is especially important for those suffering from prostatic obstructions or problems related to urination.

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