Where do the names of the days of the week come from? Here is the origin in Italian and English

Have you ever thought about the origin of names of the days of the week in Italian and English? In ...
Bluetooth, what it is for and how the technology works to transfer data wirelessly

There Bluetooth technology it is the standard for short-range wireless data transmission between two devices, using radio waves. As we ...
FS Italiane, 1st quarter with strong growth in revenues and Ebitda

The FS Italiane Group closed the first quarter with strong growth in results, in terms of revenues and Ebitda, continuing ...
Acting “cum grano salis” or “having salt in your head”: why do we associate salt with intelligence?

Expressions such as “to have salt in one's head” and “cum grano salis” derive from not only economic value, but ...
Vaccine against avian flu, the European Union signs a huge agreement for 665 thousand doses

L'European Union runs for cover to prevent cases in bird flu may increase and lead to a scenario similar to ...
Do healthy people admitted to psychiatric hospitals recognize each other? Rosenhan's experiment

If the sanity and the folly do they exist, how can they be recognised? The question is not provocative, but ...
Stock markets ready for a correction: there is no point in ignoring the signals

THE stock marketsespecially the American ones, have repeatedly updated theirs historical recordsin spite of one Fed which has clearly disappointed ...
Because the arrest warrant issued by the Hague Court against Netanhyau and Hamas will not be followed up

May 20, 2024 Karim Khanchief prosecutor of International Criminal Court (CPI), based in The Hague, Netherlands, asked the Preliminary Chamber ...
EU insurers, capital relief for 80 billion but there is an unknown rate

Contrary to initial expectations, the recent update of the EU Solvency II regulatory framework is intended to loosen insurance capital ...