Facial recognition, how it works and when to use it: from cell phone unlocking to security

riconoscimento facciale
The Facial recognition has now become a technology used daily by many people: it is a technology capable of recognizing ...

AstraZeneca Covid vaccine, thrombosis in rare cases: admission in court

AstraZeneca Covid vaccine, thrombosis in rare cases: admission in court
The AstraZeneca vaccine was administered against Covid in more than 150 countries in the world. The pharmaceutical giant found itself ...

Is predicting earthquakes with artificial intelligence possible? Here's how and where we are

terremoto con AI
Image created with AI. Currently, predicting precisely where and when an earthquake will take place and what its magnitude will ...

Why is the cocktail called that? In English it means “rooster's tail”

perche cocktail si chiama cosi coda di gallo inglese
The term “cocktail” is now universally recognized as synonymous with often alcoholic drinkcomposed of various ingredients. But what exactly does ...

Global buybacks declining, new record for dividends

Global buybacks declining, new record for dividends
Despite the global dividends sian rose to a new record in 2023, companies spent much less to buy back the ...

WHO aims to eliminate hepatitis C by 2030: the situation in Italy

WHO aims to eliminate hepatitis C by 2030: the situation in Italy
Eliminate L'hepatitis C by 2030, this is the ambitious goal that theWHO, World Health Organization, intends with this new plan ...

Why did the Colosseum only half collapse? Due to an earthquake

perche colosseo crollato per meta
L'asymmetry of the profile of the Colosseum it is one of the most recognizable characteristics of the most famous amphitheater ...

Electronic health record, no interruption of digital medical prescriptions in Lombardy

Electronic health record, no interruption of digital medical prescriptions in Lombardy
There Lombardy region he announced that he won't be there no interruptions in sending the dematerialized medical prescriptions from May ...

History of shoes: the evolution of footwear from prehistory to today

storia delle scarpe
The shoes they have existed since time immemorial. Probably, yeah one hundred thousand years does humans used leaves and bark ...

what to expect from the FOMC meeting

what to expect from the FOMC meeting
The week of Federal Reserve has arrived, but as happened with the ECB, no significant changes are expected in terms ...