The 3D video of the Andean air disaster: the technical-scientific reconstruction

Many of you will have seen the film “The Snow Society”, nominated for an Oscar as best foreign film, which ...

Tensions between SpaceX and TIM: Musk's company sues Telecom for Starlink frequencies

SpaceXthe private aerospace company that is responsible, among other things, for the development of the project Starlinkreported last week TIM ...

Government summons TIM and Vivendi for Golden Power

Government summons TIM and Vivendi for Golden Power
It is expected this afternoonor the meeting between the government, Tim and Vivendi to discuss Golden Power. Representatives of the ...

How to improve your smartphone's battery life: here are 10 tips

durata batteria smartphone come migliorare
By adopting virtuous behaviors it is possible increase the battery life of your mobile phone (in some cases even for ...

the lawsuit starts in New York

the lawsuit starts in New York
During the pandemic from COVID-19 Many issues have emerged regarding the mental health of different groups of people. However, young ...

Why is cappuccino called that? The origin of the name comes from the Capuchin friars and Vienna

perche cappuccino si chiama cosi frate
The Cappuccinoas we know it today, is typical Italian drink. Yet his origin and its first name probably they are ...

The origins of “April Fools”: why it is called that and why jokes are made

pesce aprile primo scherzi
Imagine reading that aliens have landed in your city, that spaghetti grows on trees, or that Geopop has stopped publishing. ...

What is celebrated on Easter Monday and why Easter Monday is considered a national holiday

festa pasquetta cosa si festeggia lunedi angelo
The day of Easter Mondayalso called Easter Monday or Easter Mondaycommemorates an event narrated in the Gospels: the day following ...

What is celebrated at Easter: the meaning and origins of the holiday

pasqua origine storia festa cristiana
TO Easter, we all know it well, we eat the dove and look for surprises inside the chocolate eggs. The ...

Healthcare divided by wealth, 42% of Italians have given up on treatment

Healthcare divided by wealth, 42% of Italians have given up on treatment
The topic of healthcare was central to the national discussion during the Covid emergency. The pandemic had shed light on ...