It has currently been shared by over 30 million of people an image on Instagramcreated – perhaps with artificial intelligence – by a young Malaysian photographer of Muslim religion, on which the writing stands out «All eyes on Rafah», which in Italian means “All eyes on Rafah”. The image has gone viral in recent days on social media following the Israeli bombing of Rafah. Despite Meta's decision to hinder the spread of political content, the story is not being blocked by the social network's algorithm because it is spread repeatedly by ordinary people. But what does this image refer to and what does «All eyes on Rafah» mean?
Attention: the Israeli-Palestinian issue is extremely complex and delicate and we are aware that any type of summary risks omitting information; therefore this article must be seen in the context of the contents that we have proposed and that we will propose in the coming days. We therefore invite you not to miss them: you can find everything in the Israel-Palestine War category of our site. Please know that our aim is to make people understand the geopolitical situation with maximum neutrality and stimulate interest in further insights.
Rafah is a settlement in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, where Israel recently began its military activity and which on Sunday May 26th bombed in response to some rockets sent by Hamas against Tel Aviv, which however caused no damage. These bombings, motivated by the fact that there could be Hamas militiamen inside a specific camp, caused a large fire which caused dozens of victims And hundreds injured.
The attack outraged a large part of world public opinion, because even the UN had asked Israel not to carry out its military action in Rafah. This did not happen for several reasons: most notably the Israeli prime minister Netanyahu it wants to keep its power within Israel firmly in place and hopes to definitively defeat Hamas, even if it is not known on what concrete basis. In short, it is very unlikely that such a result can be achieved.
Not only that: probably another objective of the Israeli government at the moment – a government which, however, be careful, does not represent all the political and civil positions within the State of Israel – could be to make the population residing in the Gaza Strip migrate (currently made up of hundreds of thousands of refugees) perhaps in Egypt or in Jordan. This operation, however, would be very complicated: in addition to not considering the wishes of the Palestinian Arabs, the two countries in question, Egypt and Jordan, would not be ready and would not want to welcome the refugees from the Gaza Strip, for a series of reasons geopolitical and international law.
In the meantime, negotiations are continuing under the radar (especially between Israel and Egypt) to seek a truce between Israel and Hamas which provides for the release of the Israeli hostages in the hands of Hamas and, consequently, a cease-fire by Israel in the Gaza Strip.