Between saying and doing there is a sea of difference. This ancient proverb comes to mind when you see Italians' relationship with health, according to what is described in an international survey by Ipsos in 2022. Because if almost nine out of ten people think that ride can help solve problems related to traffic, and the resulting pollution, in the end only 13% of those interviewed use this vehicle for short transports, i.e. under two kilometres. But above all, more than six out of ten people think that getting around on two wheels in their area could be dangerous.
In short. We are very careful. And we often prefer walking to two wheels, even if research shows that in the end, the presence of cycle paths near roundabouts it could be an element that promotes safety, even by car. The research was conducted in Pennsylvania, on the Jersey Shore, by people from Rutgers University-New Brunswick. And it was published in The Journal of Urban Mobility. According to the investigation install a stretch of bicycle lane when an intersection approaches it becomes a sort of “deterrent” for those who tend to exaggerate with the speed in the car, with a consequent impact on the risk of accidents and their severity. There greater safety linked to the increase in attention to the road to control what happens on the path intended for bikes, it would also be the basis of greater peace of mind for pedestrians. In all cases, the warning that comes is: pay attention. Not only to traffic, but also to your own body.
Because cycling is good for you
Don't just think about muscles and joints. The heart and arteries must also be able to withstand the effort. Sometimes, however, we forget to “listen” to the signals that the circulatory system sends. And the risks begin. The first piece of advice is therefore to consult your doctor for dose the activity well and consequently know how to take advantage of the advantages that exist.
To understand if you are exaggerating, a mathematical formula can be helpful, which allows you to understand why heart rate values we must work to perform a “moderate” workout: just deduct your age from 220. The result obtained can establish the maximum frequency value achievable by a trained subject during aerobic work. Just train at 50-60 percent of the value, controlling your heart rate, to pedal with peace of mind.
Having said this, let's remember that (unless you venture into mountain Grand Prix climbs without adequate training) cycling is an aerobic activity, which involves constant commitment and makes the heart and lungs work. Over time, this sport fto reduce bad cholesterol in the blood, the one linked to LDL proteins, while at the same time increasing the good one (HDL). Furthermore cycling is an isotonic activity, because muscle contractions and relaxations are repeated rhythmically. For this reason, cycling on the plain can be recommended, if the doctor deems it, even for those with slightly high blood pressure. Let's remember this, however: if you are not trained, you should avoid tackling particularly steep slopes, also to avoid subjecting your heart and respiratory system to too intense strain. For those who ask too much of their muscles there is also the risk of contractures: to avoid problems you need to stop as soon as the muscle starts to “pull”, even if you feel like you can tolerate the pain.
The effects on the male genital organs
The effects of physical activity have a positive impact on male well-being and on the organs of the reproductive system. On the one hand, in fact, maintaining this healthy habit allows for a better response from the blood vessels that supply organs such as the penis, thus favoring an optimal erection; on the other, physical effort allows the release of particular substances called endorphins, positively influencing the maintenance of a valid couple relationship. Not only that: regular physical activity has been shown to help synthesis of nitric oxide, a particular compound that facilitates the natural erection process of the penis. As if that wasn't enough, regular physical activity can help maintain satisfactory hormone levels, particularly of testosteroneextremely important for maintaining valid sexual well-being even in the over-50s.
However, after that it is the “door” threshold has been exceeded, care must be taken when choosing a sport considering the potential risks that may be linked to the discipline. For this reason, a conversation with the doctor and the urologist-andrologist is essential, to ensure that taking care of oneself is truly useful and that the efforts do not have negative repercussions on male well-being. Cycling, and in particular mountain biking on rough trails, can in fact have negative repercussions on male well-being. The position you take on the seat and small traumas can negatively affect erection, to the point of becoming a potential risk factor for erectile dysfunction. This is why it is important to wear protective clothing which also avoid the risk of the appearance of skin inflammation, carefully check the bicycle suspensions and monitor the well-being of the reproductive system together with the andrologist-urologist specialist. And remember: sometimes cycling may be discouraged not only for those suffering from erectile dysfunction but also for those who have prostate problems, such as benign prostatic hypertrophy or are often subject to inflammation of the gland.
For the knee, pay attention to the saddle
Too much is too much. Let's always keep this rule in mind since on the one hand those who pedal keep it moving the muscles of the legs and arms (the latter are essential for holding the handlebars firmly and not only) the knee joints they can be put to the test by efforts. Therefore, if training is not sufficient, you risk overload pain. For this reason, especially in adults, it is always advisable not only to take good care of the bending and efforts of the knees but also to check that the movement is performed correctly. This is why you need to learn the movements to do well, especially if you are overweight, and you also need to calibrate the seat height well. If you have an excessively low saddle there is the risk that the front part of the knee will hurt, while on the contrary, if you can barely reach the pedals, there is the risk that the back muscles of the leg will have to be extended excessively for a long time, with resulting in pain behind the knee.