hiring of trainees in the Pnrr decree

In the new Pnrr decree the Government has inserted a rule that will facilitate the hiring of specialist doctors. The reform is divided into two parts, the first relating to exceeding the spending ceiling and the other which facilitates hiring by other healthcare companies compared to those where the doctor is attending specialization school.

The measure also aims to reduce the phenomenon of token doctors, professionals often managed by cooperatives who work for VAT and are hired on a daily basis or for a few days by the hospitals that need them. The doctors' order was satisfied.

The new rules on medical specialists

The Government included in the decree Pnrr a rule that should help combat the phenomenon of token doctors. The objective is to facilitate the hiring of trainees by acting on two different fronts. The first is that of the spending ceiling, which healthcare companies cannot exceed for new hires. This part of the law, according to the Undersecretary of Health Marcello Gemmato, “goes to exceed the limit currently in forceequal to 50% of the expenditure incurred in 2009, to hire doctors and health and social care professionals with fixed-term subordinate employment contracts: a legislative measure which in fact represents a first step towards the abolition of spending ceilings for the hiring of staff”.

Secondly, the law cancels the minimum limit of 18 months of maximum duration of the employment contract for workers residents hired in a healthcare company that is not in the network of their specialization school. Local health authorities will therefore be able to hire doctors undergoing specialization for the entire remaining duration of their studies.

“Right recognition is given to the role they play within the National Health Service. This last measure, together with the one already approved which facilitates the hiring of health and social-health personnel with flexible contracts, represents a concrete response for strengthening the workforce in public health” he concluded Gemmato.

The satisfaction of the Medical Association and the fight against coin collectors

The idea behind the new rule on medical residents is to allow hospitals to use these resources if they need staff. This represents an alternative to the use of so-called “tokenist” doctors. These freelancers make themselves available for short periods to hospitals that need them, but they have to shoulder various costs including insurance ones, and therefore have a very high cost.

According to an Anac (National Anti-Corruption Authority) report, in the last 5 years, token doctors and nurses have cost the State 1.7 billion euros, with Lombardy, Piedmont and Abruzzo among the regions most affected by the phenomenon.

Also satisfied with the new rulesOrder of doctors, with the president of the Federation of Medical Associations (Fnomceo) Filippo Anelli declaring: “We welcome these measures, which represent a first step towards the elimination, hoped for by the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci and supported by the Government, of the anachronistic ceilings expenditure on staff hiring. Let's finally start a plan that brings to the NHS an increase in human capital consistent with the health needs of citizens.”