I is the free Italian application, financed by the European Union and managed by PagoPA, designed to simplify and speed up the interconnection of citizens with Public and Local Bodies, allowing the Public Administration to send communications to individual citizens only via the Tax Code. Available for Android and Apple iOS mobile devices, the app allows you to interact with public services, both local and national, directly from your smartphone. It allows you to manage payments for services or taxes but also to receive notifications from the Public Administration.
During 2024 IO will integrate IT-Wallet, a sort of “digital wallet” to access PA services via digital documents. The. will also be available in the app National Youth Cardwhich will allow citizens aged between 18 and 35 years to access cultural, sporting and well-being goods and services.
The IO app is updated: all the news for access and security
The services offered by the IO
Thanks to the app, which is currently still in beta (i.e. in the optimization phase), it is possible to manage different types of services:
- view your own deadlinesfor example relating to identity cards, ZTL passes, applications for kindergarten registration;
- make paymentsfor example TARI, fines and school services;
- receive notificationsfor example of an alert from the Civil Protection or passing through a restricted traffic zone;
- aggregate documents such as certificates, receipts and administrative procedures.
How to activate the IO app
To activate the IO app you need to first download the application via App Store (for iOS devices) or Play Store (for Android devices). Once downloaded the application will ask us to register and authenticate us. To do this you need to have a digital identity (SPID) or one electronic identity card (THERE IS). Every open session on the IO app lasts 30 daystherefore multiple accesses in this time frame they will not require the user to log in again via digital identity: simply log in using biometric data (fingerprint or facial recognition) or by entering the PIN code set during the first login.
How the app is made and what you can do
Once you arrive in the home page of the application we will find two sections at the top: received messages and archived messages. These are communications we have received from one or more Public Administration bodies to inform us about novelty of the services or to remind us that we have payments to process. Each communication can be archived so as to keep track of it in the appropriate section.
Below we find four sections:
Messages: containing the communications sent to us by the Public Administration.
Wallet: it is the section that allows us to enter payment methods to pay the car tax, a fine or other directly from the app. At the moment the application supports a wide range of payment circuits including the most common namely VISA, Mastercard and American Express, furthermore there is support for PayPal and BANCOMAT Pay, they appear instead excluded Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Services: It is available in this section the complete list of services supported by the app, the latter are divided according to the organization that manages this service, for example in the list we find:
- ACI: Payment Services car tax, certificates and attestations of property and more;
- Revenue Agency: alerts for to monitor deadlines and a section dedicated to communications;
- INAIL: management of payments, rent, accident and illness procedures;
- INPS: payments, payment of contributions, helpdesk and mailbox.
Profile: in this section we find our settings accounts, we can manage the application preferences by choosing which ones, for example notifications receive and whether to integrate notifications with ours calendar or we can choose whether we prefer to receive a copy of communications via email email.
Also within “Profile” we can change your email address on which we will receive communications and modify them Access mode to the application.