IT-Wallet, the digital wallet arrives from October 23rd with driving license and health card: how to use it

After the July tests, from October 23, 2024 the digital wallet IT-Wallet will begin to be available inIO app for the first round of 50,000 Italians, and starting from December 4, 2024 all citizens will have access to this service. IT-Wallet allows you to have some documents – initially license, health card And European Disability Charter – in digital format directly on your smartphone, and is integrated into theIO appalready widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic for downloading Green Passas well as to make payments of fines, taxes, and the like using the payment system payPA. The IT-Wallet will allow digital documents to be stored and used in interactions with the Public Administration and private individuals, both online and offline. These will have legal value in physical contexts, such as pharmacies or roadside checks by the authorities. Over time, further features and documents will be added, such as birth and residence certificates, making the digital wallet an increasingly complete and useful tool.

The roadmap for IT-Wallet adoption: when it arrives

The introduction of the IT-Wallet marks an important step towards the digitalisation of identity and public services in Italy, ahead of the times required by the European Union, which has set the 2026 as deadline for the adoption of a digital identity system by all Member States. This innovation aims to simplify your daily lifemaking it easier to access services such as opening bank accounts, enrolling in university or looking for work across the EU, without geographical borders.

The Italian Government has decided to bring forward the times and make the IT-Wallet digital wallet fully operational by 2025. Before then, the following adoption steps are planned.

  • October 23, 2024: the first 50,000 citizens selected will receive an invitation via the IO app.
  • November 6, 2024: 250,000 citizens will be involved in the test.
  • November 20, 2024: the test will be extended to 1 million Italians.
  • December 4, 2024: the digital wallet will be available to all Italian citizens.

At the moment it is not clear what the criteria will be for selecting citizens in the initial stages of the test; in any case, from December 4th we will all be able to benefit from it.

The aforementioned roadmap for the adoption of the IT wallet in the IO app was made public Alessio Buttiundersecretary to the Presidency of the Council with responsibility for technological innovation, who in an interview given to Il Sole 24 ore also confirmed that «The adoption of the IT-Wallet is planned for 2025».

Over the next year, it is expected that IT-Wallet will be able to be used in a variety of contexts, such as an ATM and a tool for accessing digital services. Once it reaches full maturity, IT-Wallet could integrate with documents of various types such as identity documents, ISEE certificates, electronic health records, certificates, digital signatures and so on.

How to use IT-Wallet on your smartphone

For use the IT-Wallet on your smartphonejust access theIO app through SPID (Public Digital Identity System) o CIE (Electronic Identity Card). The documents will be stored in the section Walletthe same one where. Although the initial functionality is limited to the use of documents in physical contexts, from 2025 it will also be possible to use them online, for example for payments or to obtain digital tickets.

The evolution of the IT-Wallet will depend on the speed with which the various public and private services are integrated. In the future, the app may include passports, registry certificates, qualificationsand much more, further facilitating access to services digitally. This initiative not only aims to streamline access to documents and services, but also represents a step towards an increasingly connected and interactive society, in which the boundary between digital and physical becomes increasingly blurred.