The Ministry of Health has reported on its website a notice regarding the recall of a batch of salami due to the presence of Listeria monocytogenes in self-control tests. The ministry issued this notice to inform about the recall of the product, in order to ensure the safety of consumers.
They concern two products from the company “Salumificio F.lli Scapocchin srl”; the first interested party is “Local salami”, the second concerns the “Salame Nostrano with Garlic”both sold in pieces varying from 600 to 800 grams.
The lot withdrawn
Both products, the “Salame nostrano” and the “Salame Nostrano with Garlic”, were manufactured at the Salumificio F.lli Scapocchin SRL plant located in Camposampiero, in the province of Padua. The two products are part of the same batch, i.e. the 164/24, and both have a weight varying from approximately 600 to 800 grams. None of the packages have an expiry date.
If you have already purchased the batch of salami reported by the health authorities, this is important do not consume the product. Instead, it is advisable to return it to the point of sale to request a replacement or refund.
As specified on the Ministry of Health website, food sector operators are required by law to inform their customers of the non-compliance found in the foods they place on the market and to initiate the withdrawal of the product from the market. They must also publish the recall in the specific area of the Ministry of Health portal. These measures are aimed at ensuring consumer safety and preventing risks to public health. The alerts are also present on the dedicated app.
In recent days, several batches of food have been removed from supermarkets: two days ago, the Ministry ordered the withdrawal of two organic and vegan products, due to the possible presence of allergens.
The risks of Listeria monocytogenes
The Ministry website explains all the risks and behaviors to adopt in case of listeriosis infection. There Listeria monocytogenes, the causative pathogen, is widespread in different environments and is known for its resistance and ability to survive even at low temperatures and in environments with high salt concentrations. This bacterium can easily be present in kitchens and in places where food is prepared and stored, both raw and cooked.
In particular, foods such as high risk of contamination they include those with a high degree of processing such as cold cuts, lightly cured delicatessen products, cooked meat-based dishes, soft cheeses and smoked products. Milk and various types of vegetables and greens can also be contaminated. Although rare, listeriosis can be a serious disease resulting in high rates of hospitalization and death. The risk of infection is greater in fragile subjects: pregnant women, the elderly, newborns and immunosuppressed patients, who could develop a severe form of the disease regardless of the quantity of contaminated food ingested.
The main means of transmission is the consumption of contaminated foods. There cooking at temperatures above 65 degrees is effective in eradicating the bacterium, but it is important to note that Listeria can contaminate foods even after production, before packaging. Therefore, it is essential to take strict preventive measures to minimize the risk of contamination by this pathogenic bacterium.