Seasoned sauerkraut recalled from the market due to chemical risk, the affected lots

The Ministry of Health has ordered the recall from the market of a product that consumers can purchase in national supermarkets. It’s about two lots Of seasoned sauerkraut which are on sale under the brand Ivo Gelmini agricultural companywith the warning that it is possible chemical risk related to the intake of the product in question. Consumers can recognize the recalled seasoned sauerkraut through the product label on which it is possible to consult the batch, the production plant and the shelf life.

Seasoned sauerkraut recalled from the market, lots

THE seasoned sauerkraut recalled from the market by the Ministry of Health they are sold with the brand Ivo Gelmini ssa agricultural company in packs of 500 grams.

Consumers can also recognize the food subject to the warning through the lotin this case there are two things to pay attention to, namely the numbers 100727 And 270327. As regards, however, the deadline for conservation or more simply the expiration datethe two lots respectively report the July 10, 2027 and the March 27, 2027.

The recalled batches of seasoned sauerkraut were produced in establishment located in via Sant’Anna – Valle San Felice 38065 Mori (TN).

The risks for consumers

At the basis of the recall ordered by the ministry is the possible chemical risk related to the intake of seasoned sauerkrautIvo Gelmini agricultural company. In more detail, tests have revealed the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in the food exceeding the legal limits in cumin.

What should anyone who bought seasoned sauerkraut do?

All those who, following an inspection, realize that they have purchased the lots of sauerkraut seasoned recalled from the market, they must first of all avoid consuming them. The high levels of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, in fact, could lead to consequences for the health of consumers.

In addition to avoiding eating seasoned sauerkraut, owners of the product can also take action to reimbursement to which they are entitled. As specified by the ministry, it will be enough for them to go to the point of purchase and ask for an exchange of the product or a refund of the sums spent. In any case it is necessary to show a regular sales receipt or invoice to the cash center.

Food recalls in Italy

The Ministry of Health implements strict controls on the products that are consumed daily by Italian citizens, with data that supports the work of the ministry. According to the food recalls report updated with 2023 data relating to the member countries of the European Union (Report on the European alert system RASFF), in fact, Italy is fourth in the EU for the number of notifications, 415 in 2023, or 8.9% of the total. In first position is the Germanywith 591 reports, followed by Villages Bass with 586 notifications and from France with 422 notifications.

In order to improve its numbers and ensure increasingly effective and rapid communication with citizens, the Ministry of Health has recently launched aapp specific for warnings relating to powered recalls. Available for both iOS and Android, the application is called Italian Product Recalls and, with a rapid notification system, allows consumers to always be updated on warnings and decisions made by the ministry.