Simmenthal recalled by supermarkets due to health risks: “Do not consume the product”

The Ministry of Health has issued a recall order for certain packages of Simmental, the famous brand of canned meat widely distributed in Italy. According to the notice published on the ministry’s website, the problem would concern the closure of the cans in which the product is packaged, which would have a defect in one of the batches distributed in Italian supermarkets.

The ministry has specified the lot and the place of production of the meat, and also warned consumers on what to do if they come into possession of one of the recalled packages. The health risk in case of consumption is present.

Simmenthal cans recalled from supermarkets: the batches

On the portal dedicated to food product recalls Ministry of Health a warning has appeared regarding a famous brand of canned meat, very common in Italian supermarkets: Simmental. The ministry ordered that some batches of the cans be removed from supermarket shelves due to a health risk for consumers who came into contact with the tampered packaging.

According to the Ministry of Health itself, the problem with the recalled packages would be an imperfect closure that would not guarantee the conservation standards necessary for the product in question to remain on the supermarket shelves. For this reason, the decision was made to recall the batch subject to the closure defect as soon as possible, in order to protect the consumers from a contamination which, although not detected in itself, is plausible given the state of the cans.

The recalled Simmenthal brand product is precisely produced by Bolton Food SpA and is made in the Aprilia plant, in via Matteotti 2, in the province of Latina. These are 140 gram cans, packaged in a three-unit pack, with an expiry date of December 31, 2028. The recalled batch number, which can be found on the packaging, is G156.

What to do if you have a recalled package

The food alert regarding the Simmental cans from the batch G156 it was released on August 29, 2024 and since then all supermarkets have been required to remove the packages with the defective can closure from their shelves. It is therefore unlikely that a consumer could have been able to purchase the recalled goods after that date, but it is still possible that these came into the possession of some families before then.

The ministry has also released instructions on what to do if you find one of the products recalled in the latest notice that appeared on the portal at home.

“As a precaution, in order to avoid a possible health risk, it is recommended to Do not consume the product with the above-mentioned batch and return it to the point of purchase” is written in the notice that accompanies the product data. It is always possible, if you have proof of purchase such as a receipt, to return the recalled goods to the point of sale where they were purchased in order to obtain a refund.