What is the Pantheon of Rome and why it is important: history and characteristics of the temple of the gods

pantheon di roma cosa e caratteristiche
The Pantheon Of Rome has been standing for about 1900 years and it was originally the temple of all of ...

They eat sea turtle meat and die of poisoning, because it is risky

They eat sea turtle meat and die of poisoning, because it is risky
And of nine deathsincluding eight children and a woman, the tragic toll of a food poisoning due to meat Of ...

How safety caps on medicines and detergents work

tappi medicinali
How many times have we tried to open a medicine and we failed on the first try? The truth is ...

In the coming years, AI could consume as much energy as an entire nation

impatto ambientale AI consumo energia elettrica acqua
If 2023 was the year of artificial intelligence, 2024 is the year in which the problem ofenvironmental impact of AI ...

Covid, the case of the man who was vaccinated 217 times: what effects of hypervaccination

Covid, the case of the man who was vaccinated 217 times: what effects of hypervaccination
The case of a man is causing a lot of discussion German man who has been vaccinated 217 times against ...

“Oppenheimer” is best film at the 2024 Oscars: here are the other statuettes won by science

cinema scienza oscar premi oppenheimer
Oppenheimer Of Christopher Nolan triumphed at the ceremony Oscar 2024, the 96th Academy Awards. In addition to establishing itself as ...

guidance confirmed despite falling shares

guidance confirmed despite falling shares
A week of passion for Tim. The week of the presentation of new strategic plan 2024-2026which takes into account the ...

what is the glycemic “mini-curve” and what does it change for the diagnosis

what is the glycemic "mini-curve" and what does it change for the diagnosis
Radical change in diagnoses diabetes and pre-diabetes. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has approved a new protocol for detecting the ...

What color was Napoleon’s white horse? No, it wasn’t white!

cavallo bianco di napoleone
“What color was Napoleon’s white horse?” As a child, each of us asked a friend at least once in our ...

An ancient medieval astrolabe with Arabic, Jewish and Christian writings rediscovered in Verona

astrolabio verona scoperta
Can a single object tell us the story of a disappeared world? Yes, this is the case withastrolabe medieval “rediscovered” ...