So “travel therapy” can help fight aging and keep us fit

Yes, travel. And not only to discover new places, meet people, find yourself side by side with different cultures and gaze into the eyes of breathtaking landscapes. But also to fight the signs of passing timeespecially if wrinkles appear on the face and the hair turns gray.

To launch the hypothesis – this is what it is – of travel as possible support in the challenge of psychophysical aging It is an original research published on Journal of Travel Research, conducted by experts from Edith Cowan University.
Be careful, we are talking about a hypothesis. And it is certainly not enough to get on the first flight, perhaps for work, to enjoy the benefits of this approach. It is important, according to the study, that the trip has certain characteristics. Otherwise it risks being counterproductive.

It all starts with the right entropy

On the psychological front, the benefit of the “right” trip which perhaps leads to specific experiences on the well-being front, from frequenting physically demanding but at the same time relaxing activities such as yoga or placid saunasperhaps accompanied by robust swim in the ocean or trekkingshould be sought in entropy.
Because if it is true, according to scholars, that the tendency of entropy would be towards disorder and the progressive progression of time (we are speaking in a universal sense, but the process also concerns man), the journey could be characterized as variable capable of positively influencing the processhelping us to face negative experiences that can instead make us progress more rapidly towards aging, both psychologically and physically.

In this sense, as pointed out in a note from Fangli Hu University, tourism should not be seen only as a leisure occupation, but also as a real support for physical and mental health of people. As long as they obviously have certain characteristics. For example, it is important that they are exposed to new environmentsthat experiences are made in terms of social interactionthat we commit ourselves to physical activitiesthat are sought positive emotions. In short, to take advantage of the “therapy” of travel, it is first of all necessary to organize trips that also wink at the well-being of mind and body.

An anti-stress treatment

How would a pleasant journey with the right characteristics act on the physical front? First of all by modifying the response to the stress. Then, if there is the right physical exercise, it also influences the metabolism. All this would also lead to improving the responses of the immune systemcontributing to the defense against infections and the correct functioning of cells. In short, a sort of “holistic” approach to well-being that passes through a greater resilience of the defense system.
“Hormones that promote tissue repair and regeneration can be released and promote the functioning of the self-healing system,” comments Hu. By promoting the Chronic stress controlso, you can improve defensive response.
But that’s not all. In practice, the aim is to ensure that organs and tissues remain in a state of reduced entropy, especially if muscles and joints are tested by recreational activities, starting with simple explorations during excursions. Physical exertion can increase metabolism and energy expenditure, helping to keep us fit, also facilitating the elimination by the body of harmful compounds that can cause it to age more rapidly.
But be careful. We are talking about the right journey. If tourism becomes a source of negative experiences, from what can happen with gastroenteritis to uncertainty about the security levels of the country you visit, the effect becomes negative. So, plan well if you want to hypothesize this original and pleasant “anti-aging” therapy. Otherwise all the hypothesized benefits will vanish.