Brief history of the Chinese empire: origins and development of the world's second superpower

storia impero cinese
Chinese civilization has very ancient origins (the first settlements witnessed in the Yellow River date back to 3000 BC), but ...

How SuperEnalotto works and why winning is very unlikely

SuperEnalotto vittoria probabilità
On May 10, 2024 a player from the SuperEnalotto won approx 101 and a half million of euros by purchasing ...

How was Michelangelo's statue of David carved in marble?

Michelangelo's David, 1501–1504. marble, 517×199 cm. Accademia Gallery, Florence. Now beloved, now censored, the statue of Michelangelo's David Buonarroti (Caprese ...

How is it possible that Pisa was one of the 4 maritime republics if it is not on the sea?

Quando Pisa era sul mare
Venice, Genoa, Pisa And Amalfi. We all studied at school 4 maritime republicsthat is, 4 Italian cities which, especially during ...

Why did the painter Vincent van Gogh cut off his left ear?

perche van gogh si taglio un orecchio
The Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh (1853 – 1890) is famous for many reasons. Some of these are pleasant, like ...

How did the ancient Egyptians mummify bodies and why did they do it with the pharaohs?

mummificazione corpi faraoni antichi egizi
There mummification it's the process natural or artificial through which the decomposition of a corpse is slowed down or completely ...

Who invented the dice game? History of one of the most popular pastimes in history

storia del gioco dei dadi
The first attestation of dice dates back approximately to the 4th millennium BC., but the game developed independently in different ...

What is Esperanto, the possible common European language invented on the drawing board and never used

esperanto lingua comune europea
Have you ever heard of theAndhopeful? It's about a planned languagedeveloped by the Polish doctor Ludvik Zamenhof who, in 1887, ...

Biography of Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian genius centuries ahead of his time

biografia leonardo da vinci storia breve
Leonardo da Vinciborn in Win in 1452 and died in France (Amboise) in 1519was a universal genius, capable of reaching ...

Are dating apps in crisis? Decline in subscribers for Tinder and Bumble: the sociological reasons

app dating crisi tinder bumble
The dating apps (Tinder and Bumble are two well-known examples) are experiencing a moment of crisis after a period of ...