Why are my phone number and caller ID spam and what should I do?

The phone number and caller ID are spam when any anti-spam systems in use on the device of the recipients of your calls identify the caller as a suspected spammer. These systems warn the user with a text (and sometimes a particular background) that specifies that the call is coming from a spam number and, generally, they are activated when the number of phone calls made in a certain period of time (typically an hour or a day) from your number to other numbers is high or when the recipients of the calls, for some reason, decide to mark them as spam. Removing your phone number from the spammers list may not be easy, however it is possible to try to get off the list of spam numbers by using some ad hoc services.

What to do if my number ends up in spam and how to remove it

If your number ends up in spam and you want to remove itknow that it may not be very simple and, to be honest, you may not even succeed. Much depends on the anti-spam system used on the called person’s device.

For example, if the person in question uses the spam filter present on some Samsung Galaxy deviceswhich bases its operation on the system Hiyayou can proceed like this:

  1. Go to the page Get Help With Your Callsreachable at this link.
  2. Click on the wording Remove incorrect name shown for a phone number.
  3. Fill out the form (possibly in English). Submit a requestindicating in the appropriate spaces e-mail address, description of the request and if the problem affects a company line (Business) or personal (Person (Number makes no business calls)) using the menu Is the problem affecting a personal line or a business line?.
  4. Attach any documentation that you consider useful for the request using the button Add file or drop files here and send the request by clicking on the button Submit.

If one or more recipients of your calls let you know that the call from your number is marked on their device Android like spam from Google filteryou could suggest that they report the error to the latter by following these instructions:

  1. Open the app Google phone on the device.
  2. Tap the iconclock to reach the section Recent calls.
  3. Tap on call incorrectly marked as spam.
  4. Press on the item Not spam and possibly Unlock.

How to report Google Phone app spam error

For instructions on how to remove your number from spam filters other than those mentioned, you could do a Google search using the terms “how to remove number from (spam filter name)”.