Insomnia, how much stress weighs and how to measure it while you sleep (to fight it)
April sweet sleep? Not for all. Heavy that according to data from the Italian Association for Sleep Medicine almost one ...
Cataract, what it is, how to treat it and when to undergo surgery
“Atcataract surgeryeveryone sooner or later must undergo: today we do it in 20 minuteswe have very advanced crystalline prostheses that ...
Chromium contamination through knives with red handles, ministry requests product recall
The Ministry of Health has published a reminder note for a set of 6 knives tableware. This is a specific ...
Apps and rewards to increase physical activity and protect your heart
Something, perhaps, has also changed. Hopefully for the better. But it remains a reality that needs reflection. More than four ...
hiring of trainees in the Pnrr decree
In the new Pnrr decree the Government has inserted a rule that will facilitate the hiring of specialist doctors. The ...
Smoking, cigarettes increase (dangerous) fat on the belly
“I don't stop smoking because I'm afraid I'll gain weight.” If this is the alibi of many people, science will ...
Recall of organic food products due to risk of allergens, vegan cold cuts withdrawn
The Ministry of Healthin its function of monitoring health-risk products, has recalled two organic and vegan products. There was, according ...
Influenza, what next winter's vaccine will be like and how it will change
The flu season is coming to an end, also thanks to the climate. This is demonstrated by the numbers reported ...