What are the telephone numbers not to answer: the list of prefixes of account-draining scams

truffe prefissi pericolosi
Over the course of the year we have warned you several times against telephone scams perpetrated using foreign prefixes, from ...

Meat and carbonated drinks take away 36 minutes of healthy life: the food ranking

Carne e bevande gassate ci tolgono 36 minuti di vita sana: la classifica degli alimenti
We truly are what we eat. The study by a group of researchers from the University of Michigan wants to ...

History of oil: origin and uses of one of the basic ingredients of Mediterranean cuisine

storia olio
THE’oil it is a liquid hydrophobic with high viscositywhich can have different origins (animal, vegetable, mineral, “modified”) and is used ...

Silicon Valley’s Biggest Scam: The True Story of Elizabeth Holmes and the Theranos Affair

Theranos truffa
“One drop of blood to test them all.” No, perhaps Tolkien’s masterpiece didn’t read like that. Yet this is what ...

Unicredit presents the offer for Bpm to Consob, what happens now

Unicredit presents the offer for Bpm to Consob, what happens now
Unicredit filed its offer for Bpm within the appropriate timeframe Consob, the supervisory body of the stock exchange in Italy. ...

What is the ISEE, how is it calculated and what is it for

Cosa e ISEE come si calcola e a cosa serve
THE’ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) is one instrument used to evaluate the economic condition of a family unit (even composed ...

How to best use Chatgpt in everyday life: the 3 most common mistakes and usage tips

chatgpt come usarlo
ChatGPTOpenAI’s AI-powered chatbot, is an almost daily tool for many of us. And like all tools it has specific strengths ...

real estate does not shine despite the ECB cut

real estate does not shine despite the ECB cut
Weak session for the European real estate sector on the stock exchangedespite the 25 basis point rate cut by the ...

Ernest Hemingway’s letter: he and his wife survived two consecutive plane crashes in Uganda

hemingway incidente
In the 1954 the world famous writer Ernest Hemingway (55 years old at the time) and his fourth wife Mary ...

What is the Budget Law, how it works and what the 2025 Budget provides

legge di bilancio italiana cosa e
There Budget Law it is an act with which every year Parliament authorizes the Government to withdraw and use the ...