Italy silver medal in Europe
There are different forms of pollution and one of these is the result of the circulation of cash. The cash ...
They eat sea turtle meat and die of poisoning, because it is risky
And of nine deathsincluding eight children and a woman, the tragic toll of a food poisoning due to meat Of ...
Covid, the case of the man who was vaccinated 217 times: what effects of hypervaccination
The case of a man is causing a lot of discussion German man who has been vaccinated 217 times against ...
what is the glycemic “mini-curve” and what does it change for the diagnosis
Radical change in diagnoses diabetes and pre-diabetes. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has approved a new protocol for detecting the ...
Dengue, test hypothesis at the airport for those arriving from risk areas: the circular is arriving
About a month after the issue of the first circular on Dengue on the part of the Prevention directorate of ...
Microplastics found in human arteries double the risk of heart attack and stroke
The micros and the nanoplastics they are now widely spread, not only in the surrounding environment but also within our ...
Menarini’s challenge, new antibiotics on the model of orphan drugs
Try lining up 16 billion tablets. An almost impossible goal to imagine. But which in 2023 represented the operational reality ...
what is bird-borne disease and what experts say
WHO raises the alert level on psittacosis, a respiratory disease transmitted to humans by birds, after recording an increase in ...
Foods recalled, the Ministry recalls six products in two days: microbiological and chemical risk
The Ministry of Health reports on its official website the documents relating to food product recalls. The last few days ...
Intestinal viruses and respiratory diseases, alert throughout Italy: 30-50 year olds at risk
When it comes to health on a national and international scale, the alert level in Italy is always very high. ...